Chapter 6 - A Safer Land

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After Echo, Jackie and their friends helped the American soldiers to destroy the bridge of the Vietnamese, they went far East to Europe and thought it was a safer place to live in after the Chaos of the Vietnam War.
Their mission was never been forgotten by the soldiers. It was a very honorable moment. But Echo, Jackie and their friends didn't want to stay there because they felt that there will be more Chaos. So they went to Europe, Germany. In Germany there's Coniferous forests which there will be much food and sometimes dangers for Echo, Jackie and their friends. But it was better than the explosions in Vietnam. So they went to the Forest and found a Village and there was people living in Treehouses. Jackie was amazed on how his species could make such a thing. So Jackie climbed the tree to get to the Treehouse and asked one of the people how they made it and who knew English and the person said,

Person: It's easy, we cut these trees, make them into wooden planks, put them on the trees and you have yourself a treehouse (idk how to explain)

Jackie: Oh. Can you build us a Treehouse, Mister? Please.

Person: Sure!

*The person smiled*

So the person and his fellow neighbors made a tree house with stairs for him so that Echo and the others could live in there too. The building process took 3 days  of course and so Echo, Jackie and their friends had to sleep in a nearby cave, but it was not a problem for them. After the building was finished, Jackie quickly ran to the stairs and Echo had to keep up with him for his safety. The tree house was full of nothing of course. But Echo and his friends gathered up some stuff and food so it felt like HOME. The person came up to them and introduced himself,

Person: Hey there Jackie and your animals friends, Nice to meet you. My name's Franz Richthofen (very German indeed)

Jackie: That is a long name.

Franz: It is.


Jackie: He said that it's nice to meet us and his name is Franz Richthofen.

Echo: That is a very long name.

Jackie: That's what I just said.

Echo: Really?

*Echo sighed*

Jackie: Thank you Franz for making us a Tree house!

Franz: No problem. We needed new family anyways.

Jackie: What do you mean by "new family"?

Franz slowly go down the stairs leaving them confused. And so all of them were asleep except for Echo and Jackie because they were very suspicious of what Franz has just said.

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