Chapter 9 - Building A Shelter

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Echo, Jackie and their friends went far North-West and they have reached Russia, The most Slavic country and is remembered of their Sacrifice in World War II. (Let's move on to the story now.) Russia is a very cold place and they didn't know if it was but Echo was find because he has Fur. (Fuzzy wuzzy fur :3) While for the others it was VERY cold for them so they needed to build/make a shelter for them to live. So all of them went to gather up sticks,rocks, some mud to build the Shelter. Jackie helped with making the roof, Echo helped by gathering sticks, Rupette helped by putting sticks as support for the mud to stand like a wall. Cals, well... She just went and find fruits that could she carry and put them back to Shelter. It took them about 3 hours to make the little Hut for Shelter and so Jackie tried to make fire and it took him nearly 5 minutes to start it. But at least it started everyone went near the fire to warm up and all of them stayed in Russia for just 5 months.  (More story in Russia at Next Chapter :3)

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