Chapter 10 - A New Friend

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After a week from staying in the cold Place, they went and tried to talk to other animals in the Russian Forest. For them it was their first time living in a very cold Forest and it's been a long time they haven't communicate with other animal species. So in their journey they found a Bear named Boris. he was very big and tall he was about 6'5 feet and at first they were scared because He (Boris) is a Russian Bear. But then they get to know Boris and asked him to be in their family and journey and Boris was happy because his old family was killed by Hunters and he was left in the Forest by himself trying to survive. Echo, Jackie and the others were sad and felt really bad for him so Cals gave one of her grapes she was going to eat and it made Boris more happy, he was crying with happiness and Cals told him not to cry because it made her felt bad that she made him cry. All of them went to their little Hut and realized that Boris was too big to fit in and so they made a new bigger Hut for him and it took them only an hour because it wasn't that much need of resources. Boris was more and more happy that he saved their lives from drowning. (Bears are great swimmers hehe)

He saved them from hungry leopards because his claws was very sharp and his name was for a reason. Boris in Russian means Warrior,Fighter. He was the Guardian Angel in the Family, his attitude was very harsh to any other animals who threatens his New Family. He's very kind to his New Family because they helped him a lot and so he also helped them back as appreciation. He played with Jackie and the others while Echo was just sitting there smiling while watching them play. Echo was happy to have a New Member in the family and he wanted to find more kind,caring and protective animals in the Family so that they feel safe from any dangers that the world gives them.

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