Chapter 1: Sour Escape

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"How the fuck am I supposed to get cash L?"
"I don't fuck'n know bitch, rob a store or somethin."

I sighed annoyingly. I love my boyfriend but he's so...strict.

Oh shit I forgot to introduce my damn self again. I'm (Y/N) (L/N). I may be one of the only female grand theft autos out there in Los Santos. Not to mention a freak.

My boyfriend L is a bad ass, so he calls himself. Not really. He's a dreamer though.

L dropped me off here at Sandy Shores to buy some groceries at the local shop by the trailer park. We were on vacation here for a little while. The bay is so lovely. Especially when the sun goes down.

Now I am in a situation where I have no cash. All I needed was an ECola and some Redwood cigarettes for L. L gets angry when I don't get him what I want.

The suggestion L had gave me made me annoyed. Does this fucker really think I'm going to do that? Stealing money from the guy? Yes. In all honesty, we do need some money. We've been running low lately and trust me, we aren't doing great. Let's not even talk about our relationship.

Hearing footsteps made me loose my thoughts. The store clerk walked to the back and closed the door behind him. I smirked. I got an ECola and a box of Redwood. I glanced at the cash register. Maybe some cash isn't that bad.

I went over to the money keep and I broke into it. Some money turned into everything the register had to offer. With that, the man came back out and looked aghast. "You're a thief!" He shirked.

Not thinking clearly, I went over and beat the guy up until he got unconscious. The alarm went off in the store and I ran out into the abyss of the cool night.

I saw blue and red lights ahead so I sprinted down to the tattoo parlor. Hiding behind a dumpster, a Rottweiler appeared. He barked at me. I kept telling it to shut up but he didn't listen. That's when flashlights above hit on me. The police chopper found me. Hooray.

I glared at the dog and took off. I ran down the deserted streets of Sandy Shores with the bag of money in my hands.

I glanced everywhere to see if I could find a place to hide. But me knowing that me and L's motel room is a few miles ahead, I'm screwed. At this point I'm scared. For just a moment the chopper lost me.

In my sight was trailers and campers everywhere. I saw one that looked run down and nearly destroyed. Not thinking twice, I jogged over to it and jiggled the doorknob.

The sirens get closer and closer. I use a bobby pin I had in my (h/c) hair and immediately start fiddling with the lock. 

Seeing the lights of cops cars I began to panic. But suddenly, the worry washes away as the door opens slowly.

I ran in and slammed the door behind me. I hid behind the counter and prayed to god the cops don't knock on the door.

Peaking out through the window, the lights stopped here on the street. Cops poured out of the car; searching for my ass. Freaking out, I buried my head in my hands and I began to cry softly.

I didn't even notice the man.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"
I gasped and looked up. This man definitely had scars and bruises everywhere. But that wasn't the only thing.

He had gray-dark brown hair that was almost like silver, dimples everywhere on his face, a pointed nose and brown wood eyes. As creepy as he would look to anyone else, he looked handsome to me. In fact, this guy might be the most handsome guy I've ever laid eyes upon on.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He asked sharply.
Still out of breath I stumble on words. "Running-from...," coughing sequence, "cops."

"Over there!" We heard a shout outside. The man looked at the door and suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the back. He shoved me in a dirty closet with his clothes and shut the door. "Stay here." He ordered me and walked away.

Then there was knocking sounded on the door. The guy opens it and reveals a cop.
"Have you seen a girl around here?" The cop asked.
I could pop out and say "yellow motherfucker!" But that would be stupid. Hey, at least it would give me a reason to stay away from L. Besides, he wouldn't save me anyway.

The man thinks for a second and hums while doing so. "Y'know," Oh crap don't snitch! "I coulda sworn I saw someone run that way." He says pointing outside.
"If you happen to see her, contact us as soon as possible." The cop says before leaving.

The man slams the door shut dramatically and stands there for a moment. He twitches his head around and walked over to me.

Opening the door I realize that I can trust this guy. "Th-Thank you so much. Really." I say thankfully.

He nods and smiles welcomingly. "The names Trevor," he say extending his arm out with a dagger tattoo.

I happily shake his hand while introducing myself. We stared into each other's eyes for a moment until breaking apart awkwardly.

"If you want you can stay here. I wouldn't if I were you." Trevor says walking towards the patchy sofa. I followed him shyly.

Trevor sits on the couch in a lazy yet asshole manner. He pats the seat next to him. I blush. His arm his on top of the head rest. Hesitantly, I sat down and scooted away from him. He moves himself towards me and wraps an arm around me. "Y'know, you're extremely good look'n." Trevor says smirking with a hint of evil. He glances down at my breasts. This guy is a pig. I turned away from him. "Thanks..." I mumbled.

Trevor hugs me without giving a damn. I laid my head on his shoulder. I felt him chuckle. I blushed crimson. This is going to be a long night.


Annnnnd chapter 1!

Hope you enjoyed it!

Writing chapter two soon!


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