Chapter 8: Go Fuck Yourself!

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They also knew each other, not surprised. In this small crazy world, nearly everyone knows each other. Trevor cracked his knuckles snapping me out of my thoughts. "This is gonna be easy!" Trevor announces.

"Y'know what crazy man, fuck off! (Y/N) is my hoe!" Lamar says grabbing my arm and forcefully hugs me. As I struggle to get out of Lamar's grip, Trevor tried ripping Lamar's arms off me, but it didn't really work. Lamar kissed my neck harshly making me wince in pain. "Hey!" Trevor yells now punching Lamar in the face. He must've broken a tooth due to hearing cracking. Lamar finally let go of me and I ran into Trevor's arms. He hugged me protectively.

I looked aside Lamar and found another trashy like lady on the bed who was only in her bra. Tears were being produced from my pain of the heartbreak I just felt.

Lamar spit the tooth on the floor and glared at Trevor. You could tell what Lamar was going to do and say. He began to laugh with a pint of maniac. "You crazy old man! You really think this fine piece of ass will love you? No one loves you cracker! Your mommy left you're crazy ass cause she hated like everyone else!" Lamar hissed at Trevor, who was quite shocked of his use of words. Trevor hugged me tighter.

"Y-You know nothin' of my family," Trevor silently said. Lamar smirked devilishly. "I know much to see what you doing with your days." I gasped and put my hand on Trevor's cheek and shook my head. He looked like he was going to cry.

"So now," Lamar pulls out a gun, "I'm gonna do you a favor and end your mother fucking life; no pun intended." Lamar finishes with a laugh. He pulls on the trigger and Trevor jumps off the balcony dodging the billet successfully. Lamar ran over shot the sand, missing me and Trevor. We ran out to the Bodhi and Trevor took out a Combat Pistol and shot Lamar as best he could. After two bullets, Trevor shot Lamar in the shoulder.

Trevor dabbed poorly and drove away with his knuckles whiting on the steering wheel. "Go fuck yourself!" Trevor screamed extremely pissed off. Lamar really got to him. The part for what I could tell immediately was when Lamar said things about his mother. And that he fucked his own mother? I want to ask him but I'm too scared to ask him this moment.

We drove to his trailer with the sun beginning to set. As we parked, we didn't say a single word to each other. Trevor looked like he was going to say something but instead he got out of the truck and went inside to his worn down home. I sighed defeatedly. I wonder what the outcome would've been if Trevor and Lamar never even met before.

"Hey (Y/N)," a voice says making me look over. Ron nearly waddled over to me. I waved sadly and he leaned on the truck in a safe distance. "I couldn't help but notice that something was wrong. Especially with Trevor. Was it the Chinese?" Ron asked me making me shake my head. "No but it was-" I swallowed and hesitantly told him. "my ex boyfriend who is abusive." I told Ron truthfully. He frowned apologetically. "I'm sorry to hear that."

Silence withdrew on us. "You know," Ron says, "I'm an ex myself. Me and my wife have been married for a long time. She abandoned me and eventually Trevor found me. You're lucky you found him." Ron says. "I'm sorry to hear that." I said to him. He shrugged carelessly. "Crap happens (Y/N). But I'm happy now." Ron said making me smile.

"Ron, is it true Trevor uh did things with his mom?" I asked him. I think I can trust Ron. Clearly he told me something that was probably very secretive. "Yeah, but he didn't. She did," Ron says while rubbing his arm swiftly. My eyes widen. "What? What do you mean?"

Ron sighed. "Mrs. Phillips was very abusive to Trevor and his now dead brother Ryan. She was a prostitute and loved getting to men. Especially Trevor and Ryan. So why she did was she forcefully made Trevor and his brother have sex with her.

"Now Trevor and his brother thought it was normal. They didn't know. Trevor lost his virginity to his mother when he was very young. Ryan later died of a disease but I think it might've been more. Maybe his dad killed him." Ron says sadly.

"My god," I whispered.

"Mrs. Phillips abandoned Trevor and after that, he never really saw his mother again. He'll claim she's still alive and well. But...she died when she was in prison."

We both heard a gasp and when I turned over, there a broken hearted Trevor stood there beginning to cry. "Trevor wait!" Ron says but Trevor got on his dirt bike.

"Why did you tell her?! She is alive! (Y/N) thinks I'm a freak! A lowlife suffering suicidal freak!" Trevor screams as he drove off.

Me and Ron both looked ashamed. Really Ron did. "He won't commit suicide. He wasn't really that times." Ron says as he went into the trailer.

I sighed and hopped over to the drivers seat and drove off to search for Trevor.

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