Chapter 14: Me and Franklin {ENDING OPTION 1}

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If you would like some hints of the next story, please scroll down! To my chow note!

I held my breath in. I looked around and saw many cops pointing their guns at me and Trevor. I sighed in defeat. "(Y/N)! Please!" Trevor begged. I looked over to Franklin. He looked down and gripped his gun. "Don't make a mistake (Y/N)." Franklin said. I couldn't decide.

Adrenaline rushes through my veins. I couldn't think with my brain, but with my heart! I rushed over to:


Franklin looks up and stares at me in shock. He smiles warmly and runs over to hold me in a embrace. Crying into his shoulder, I realize I need help. I should have never slept hence stayed with Trevor in the first place. I need some help now.

Trevor, on the other hand, was close to his doom. "Y-You," Trevor hardly spoke out. "YOU FUCKING BETRAYED ME!" He shouts and climbs up on the V. The cops stormed over and started to shoot the twenty second letter of the alphabet. I screamed to make the cops stop but Franklin told me that there was no use. I would've been next. With that, there was a crack on the V and the whole V went right down the rocky hill. Hearing Trevor's screams made my heart stopped.

After hearing the impact, I sobbed into Franklin's shoulder. Michael stands up and grabs my shoulder gently. "He was a psychopath (Y/N), he couldn't love. He didn't know how to love." Michael said. I nodded unintentionally and went right back into Franklin's collarbone.

The night was long and dark. Probably the darkest I've ever seen. I witnessed a man die. Trevor, who I thought loved my soul wanted me for my body, not for me. He really was a pig. Franklin is different. It turns out, Franklin and I have more in common than we've ever realized. Hell, he even asked me out on a date, and not at the Vanilla Unicorn!

When Lamar returned home to his busted up home, Franklin gave him a lesson he will never be able to forget. Lamar told me and Franklin that the reason why he was crucial to me was cause so I could never ever leave him, which I obviously did in the end.

Within the four months that pst after Trevor's death (yes he is confirmed dead) from suicide, Franklin proposed me to be is girlfriend. I remembered I said yes and how we shared a blissful kiss. Franklin was extremely caring toward me. I've been with the wrong men all my life.

In the end, Trevor will still be in my heart. Not as a lover but a friend who needed guidance in life. He didn't live the proper life, however he did have a proper funeral, thanks to me. His grave is at a deserted beach with a desert in the background. Trevor's Bodhi is parked a few steps from it and I even bought along Mr. Raspberry Jam.

Finishing digging his grave, everybody left to go back to their lives. Me and Franklin stared at his tombstone. It was hauntingly odd seeing a man's tombstone you knew for awhile. I turned my gaze to the sunset. It looked familiar to the time when Trevor took me to his "secret" deck; which I visit often to tell him how life is. "Ya know," Franklin starts. "Trevor might've been actually happy by you. You made Trevor a happy man before he got wasted."

Tears escaped my eyes and I smiled wiping away my tears. "Yeah, I guess I did." With that, Franklin came over and embraced me.

In conclusion, I married Franklin and we had beautiful children. They graduated but our one some Lawson has gotten kicked out of college. Rumor had it that my boy was one of the biggest gangbangers in Los Santos. Franklin died a few days ago after Lawson got married. My grave, I decided is going to be next to Trevor's grave. I felt in my heart I needed to be with him.

It was the greatest decision of my life. The last thing I heard when I finally shut my eyes was:

"see you soon, sugar."



Here are some hints.

"Hold on, I'm trying to give a fuck."

"And this is why I hate everybody."

"You think that's the reason? Ha!"

"How do we get rid of poor people?"
"God made Katrina."


Who do you think it is?
Guess now!

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