Chapter 15: And With Every Heartbeat

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"Can I see my baby please?" I asked the doctor softly. The doctor refused, but my husband aside me threatened him to. Obliging, he fetched my baby from the nursery. Returning to my room was a baby boy sleeping away. I teared up while Trevor already was crying. Handing me my son gently, he whimpers softly. I smiled so wide that I thought my lips were going to rip off or something crazy. "Trevor look at him!" I nearly shouted excitedly. He rushed over to my side and was in awe. "I bet when he grows up, he's going to get a lot of pussy." Trevor said.

With that, our baby awoke and smiled gracefully at Trevor. He even added a giggle that reminded me of Trevor's laugh. Trevor kissed his forehead and picked him up; examining his new son. "Hey bud," Trevor whispers. He starts cradling him. "You are the best sight I've ever seen." I coughed getting his attention. "But your mommy has the ass of a goddess. " he said. I shrugged while I smirked.

I knew immediately what to name him. "(Y/N)," Trevor says getting my attention. "His eyes kinda looks like Ryan's eyes." I grinned. "Ryan is his name." I said. Trevor gasps and sets the baby in the cradle and hugs me tightly. "Thank you. Thank you."

We went home with Ryan Trevor Phillips in my arms. Trevor couldn't stop staring at Ryan; and my boobs. I didn't want to ruin any moment that was special to Trevor.

Ryan has had a better childhood then me and Trevor could have for him. Trevor admits he is jealous of Ryan's childhood. Ryan turned out to be a good boy. He looks like me but acts just like his father. He began to cuss at age five; due to his dumbfounded father. The two often went out by the Alamo sea and shared a soda while Trevor had beer. However when Ryan grew up, Trevor introduced him to alcohol.

We spent countless hours with each other. Trevor even wanted another child, but until him to trust me on this and that kids are a pain in the fucking ass.

Ryan's first crime was a grand theft auto. Trevor was proud of his boy while I didn't know what to do. In that year, Ryan left us in search of booty and a life. Trevor was sad he left, but I reassured him that he would come back to his home.

However it never happened.

Me and Trevor had a lazy day and flipped through the channels. Weasel News reported that a young man named Ryan Trevor Phillips has been reported dead after a heist he settled up. Trevor threw the remote at the tv with so much force. He took his anger out on poor Ron. I cried for a year while Trevor never stopped. Interestingly enough, my Ryan died on the same exact day as Trevor's brother Ryan died. It wasn't a coincidence. It was a superstitious death.

Trevor and I grew quite old. I was outside doing some garden work when Trevor had a stroke. Seventy eight years old, Mr. Trevor Phillips was pronounced dead. I held him in my arms as he did move on. I went home that night alone. I spotted a letter underneath a gasoline can. I grabbed it and opened it.

Dearly beloved (Y/N),

My years with you have been the best of my life. Despite these horrible years from the pass, you made my life happy. I thank you truly with my heart. And for every heartbeat, my heart shall beat for you. It will stop one day but it won't stop beating for you sugar.

I love you.
Trevor Phillips

Hearts stop beating for life, never for love.

~Sarah Cameron

THE END!💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

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