Chapter 14: Me and Trevor {ENDING OPTION 2}

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I held my breath in. I looked around and saw many cops pointing their guns at me and Trevor. I sighed in defeat. "(Y/N)! Please!" Trevor begged. I looked over to Franklin. He looked down and gripped his gun. "Don't make a mistake (Y/N)." Franklin said. I couldn't decide.

Adrenaline rushes through my veins. I couldn't think with my brain, but with my heart! I rushed over to:


I jumped right into his masculine arms and he wrapped them around my waist. "(Y/N)! Are you out of your fucking mind?" Franklin shouts. After sharing a passionate kiss with Trevor, I look at Franklin with a smirk. "Love can make you do insane things Franky." I said making him withdraw.

Trevor picked me up bridal style and stared at me in awe with a smile. I rested my head on his chest. "Don't run away from me ever again Trevor." I whispered. "Okay." He murmured. The cops looked at each other and had no clue what to do.

"Alright here's the deal," a man to which I assumed was the chief said. "We won't shot you or place you in jail." He said. All the cops nearly freaked out. "Boss why? He destroyed half of the city, killed many people and exploded vehicles!" A cop screamed. Trevor looked at him and laughed. "Yes I did." Trevor said like he did a accomplishment compliment. I shook my head at my man. "Yes, but just looking at this, if this makes me cry," which he actually was, "then I'll let you go." I cheered and clinched onto Trevor harder as he smiled.

"Don't do anything else." The chief said. The cops groaned and walked back to their cop cars in defeat. Franklin and Michael stared at us. I giggled as Trevor tickled my side. "Jeez (Y/N), you must really love him," Michael said. I nodded and kissed Trevor again. Franklin shrugged and walked away. That night, me and Trevor star gazed while we were in each other's embrace.

So after that night, we were more inseparable than we ever were. Me and Trevor made love numerous amounts of times. Our hearts burned with affection. Every kiss was better then the last. The journey never ended as well.

One weekend when Trevor went down to Los Santos for meeting up with Michael and Franklin, I threw up in the nasty toilet that contained of shit. I went to the local pharmacy store and bought some pregnancy tests. I rushed back to the trailer and did a piss test. Sure enough, it was positive. I was pregnant with Trevor Phillips's child. I was comprehensive of what Trevor will think.

After a few hours after I did the test, Trevor came back home and he looked like he had the time of his life. "Sugar I'm home! Get Uncle T some lovin!" Trevor shouts. I emerged from the sofa and wrap my self around Trevor and gave him a ginormous bear hug. I was scared and happy of seeing him. "Baby are you alright?" He asked me. "You seem, sweaty. Did you go to that race?" Trevor asked me. I blushed and shook my head. "Trevor there's something I need to tell you." I told him truthfully. He got nervous.

"Remember a couple weeks ago when we went down to Paleto Bay and stayed at a motel?" I asked him. "Yes?" He answers a little bitter. "Well there was per say from that." I told him. "Wait, are you-" I cut him off by showing him the test. He took many steps back and landed against the wall. "(Y/N)-" I dropped it in sorrow and ran back to the bedroom and locked the door so he wouldn't get in. "Baby listen to me! It's a surprise that I wasn't expecting!" Trevor yells from the other end of the door. I began to sob in fear of Trevor leaving me for me being pregnant.

"Let me in (Y/N)," Trevor said as he begins to sniffle up as well. "P-Please."

After a half an hour of crying, I open the door only to find a sleeping Trevor with tear-stained cheeks. I caressed his face apologetically. "I thought you'd leave me." I then laid down and place his arm over me and went too sleep in his embrace.

God this man is so loving.


But I wait! There's one more chapter! I think, I feel that it's getting good. I don't know. Well we'll see!

If you want hints of the next character, go back to the last chapter to see who you think it could be!

That's it for now!


With Every Heartbeat (Trevor Phillips X Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora