Chapter 3

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We walked out and Clairisse got in the drivers side.

"Is it bad that I broke his vase?"

"That's what happens when you start giggling about your hot boss." She chuckled.

"I didn't see the vase." "I can replace it."

"Yeah well I don't think we can get rents due at the end of this month."

"I'm sorry."

"I know, you're sorry." We drove home and we didn't talk for a while.

"I think I'm just gonna go to bed."

"Good night." I turned on the light to my bedroom and collapsed on the bed.

**next morning**



"Get up we gotta go to work." I sprung up and went to the bathroom and started brushing my teeth obnoxiously and washing my face. I put on concealer and a little powder. I ripped off my sun dress and put on some high waist jeans and slipped on my t-shirt and tucked it in. I grabbed my purse and ran out the door.

"Here half a bagel."

"Thanks." I took a bite from it and then ate it whole.

"Coffee?" She pointed to the cup holders. I sipped it and burned my tongue. "Jesus fuck."

"You have said the lords name in vane child." I giggled.

"Yes I have, bring me mercy lawd, Imma actually need it."

"I think we should just get on his good side." Claire stated.

"Yeah I know, but that shits hard."

She nodded. I took another sip from the now cooler coffee. We passed the large gates that were the entrance to his neighborhood. His house was at the end of the street. It was one of the most gorgeous houses on the street. It's probably because he remodeled it himself. The neighborhood was on a hill where the sun always shone. His house was covered by trees and bushes and little light was shining through. I rang the doorbell. Ms.Smith got the door. "Oh hello darlings."

"Hi Ms.Smith." I said with Claire.

"Oh we must get you girls house keys."

"Ms.Smith are those the girls?"

"Yes." "Come in, Come in." We took off our coats. We walked in. I didn't see the broken vase on the ground. He must've cleaned it.

"Mr.Adkins I really do believe we should get these girls house keys."

"Alright call the key maker, schedule an appointment, Clairisse." She nodded and walked off to her office. "Cassandra."


"Fetch me coffee, don't break anything else."

"I am not your maid." Ms. Smith started walking to the kitchen. "The only reason I'll give you coffee is because of Ms.Smith."

"You're a fiery one, aren't you?" "I'll be in my office." He walked off. I made the coffee and walked to the office. I lightly tapped the door and I decided to come in.

"Alright have him mail the blue prints to me, oh and Gerald say hi to your lovely wife for me." He took off his blue tooth ear piece.

"Here you go." I put the mug on the table and watched him take a sip.

"Thank you, you know I know you think I'm an arrogant ass, but I'm a good person under all this arrogance."


"You don't believe me?" I stood in the air of the silence.

"Hmm, typical. You American girls, filled with fire but when approached by a man you shutter in the silence."

"I, for one do not, and for all the women out there that you probably just offended, we do not."

"Has anyone told you how cute you look when you get fired up?" A heat rose up to my face. He chuckled. "I think the heater is on." I looked at him shyly. "I think I'm gonna go for a swim." He went passed me and to his room. I clenched the tray and walked out. I put the tray on the kitchen table. And took a long sharp breathe. I heard a door click close and he emerged from the dark hall. His olive skin glinting. He walked to the glass panel door. He had a towel wrapped around his neck.

"Ms.Smith, how many girlfriends has Nicholas had?"

"Well he's had three from my knowledge. He was in business deal with two of the girls parents, and the third one he met in a coffee shop, he fell in love with her, supposedly..."

"So he can actually fall in love."

"The man might not show emotion much, but he still has them."


"It was the way he was raised, his mother was very stern, and always wanted him to succeed even if it meant he doesn't get a happy ever after."

"Do you think he wants one."

"He might not want it but every one deserves one." Ms.Smith smiled. I smiled back. I washed the dishes and heard a small bell.


I walked to the pool. "Yes." He was smiling and had his hands overlapping each other with his face on top of it. He scratched his eyebrow. "Do you like my new toy." He gestured to the bell.

"Yeah it seems handy." He smiled even wider. "What'd you ring for?"

"I want an all greens smoothie, it helps with the digestion, the recipe is in the cookbook stand." He turned around and started splashing into the water. I walked back inside. I opened the drawer and grabbed the blender and saw the cookbook stand and started flipping through the pages. Cleansing juice. Well shit. That was easy.

Kale, Broccoli, Celery, Spinach, Cucumber and tomato. I gagged a little. That's fuckin nasty. I grabbed the veggies from the fridge and chopped them all up. I threw it all in the blender and then poured the soupy liquid into a cup and put a straw I walked outside and set it down on the table. "Did you put a top on it?"

"No, would you like one?"

"Yes, that'd be much preferred." I went back inside and grabbed a top. I walked back out and put the top on. "Thank you." He got out of the pool with his hair looking like a wet Labrador's fur. He brushed it back with his hand and grabbed the juice. He took a sip and smiled through the straw.

"Whats so funny?"

"You, well the way your eyes drift off to my torso whenever I get out of the pool."

"They do not drift." I realized I was talking to his abs and not his face again.

"They just did."

"I'll be inside." He took another sip and I turned around. I felt a wet hand grasp my arm.

"I actually need to ask something else from you."

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