Chapter 7

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Liberty walked to my desk and I handed her the card, "can you give this to the secretary that was supposed to be here today." 

"Yeah of course." Nick walked out of the office and had the tube in his hand. He handed the tube to Liberty and Liberty walked away with no direction.  

"Don't you need to tell her what to do?"

"She works here, she knows what to do." He said. He gestured me to walk in his office. I got up and walked to the door. I walked into his office nervous. He clicked the intercom on his desk. "Chrissie, darling, would you please bring a couple of outfits for my lovely assistant she's a medium." 


"I have to go to a budget meeting, but it's not like a normal budget meeting."

"What's not normal about it?"

"It's a lunch-in with a bunch of birds who can't keep their fannies in their panties when I'm around." 

"And so why is my outfit important?"

"You are my fannie protector." I scoffed.

"Excuse me?"

"The girls who are there will throw themselves at me but if you're there, I have an excuse not to sleep with anyone." 

"Oh-kay, still don't get it." He sat down on his couch and a girl walked in. She had a cart of clothes rolling in behind her. I stood still, in shock. He walked past me and skimmed through the rack. He grabbed one and walked over to me. 

"Try this on for change." I looked at it. It was silver dress with cutouts on the hips and a small drop in the cleavage. Totally not something I'd wear. I grabbed it from him and he pointed to a door to his right. I walked to it and opened the door. The room was a fluorescent pink and a mirror resting on the corner. I took off my dress and slid the dress on. I opened the door and he was sitting on the couch waiting for me. I walked out and he stared at me up and down. 

"Nope, I don't like the way it's shaped for you." God damn it. Cue the montage music I guess. I grabbed the first dress on the rack and it was short pink dress with a deep V-cut cleavage with a gold belt. I walked back into the bathroom I came out again. He nodded no. I grabbed a lace high-low black dress. I went in the bathroom and hopped back out he was on his phone and glanced up and said, "No." I grabbed a two piece with a lace black crop top with a huge back cut-out and a rosy red skirt. I walked in the bathroom and walked back out. He was distracted by his watch. 

"Mr. Adkins." I said. Chrissie smiled widely. He looked up and something in his eyes told me this is the dress. 

"We should go." He said. I smiled and grabbed the heels that came with the dress. I put them on and I grabbed my purse and we walked to the elevator. He clicked a button that led to the forty-fifth floor. He unbuttoned his jacket. The elevator dings and were down. We stood in silence.

"You look nice." He started.

"Thanks." I said quietly. 

"You have a thing for floral print." He said.

"It's practically all that I wear." 

"Well, it suits your personality."

"Thanks." I said playing with my gold ring. 

"Alright now, walk in there with total and utter confidence, don't let the other girls get to you."

"Why would they get to me?"

"You're my assistant, girls kill for this job." 

"Uh-huh." He smiled looking down at me. 

"Alright, off your pop let's do this." 

"That has to be the most british thing you've ever said." 

"I tried to make you laugh, did it work?"

I scoffed, "no." He smiled and we walked in the black marble hall. There were a set of glass doors and he opened the door for me and everyone stopped what they were doing and stared up at me. I felt his cold hand on my back. 

"Everyone this is my fill-in assistant, Cassi-Cassandra." He walked past me and towards the huge chair at the table. 

"So, shall we begin." He opened the file and I walked to a chair in the corner. I sat down and listened to him. I felt some eyes stare me down. Nick gestured me towards him. I walked over. He gestured to come closer and I was almost up against his face. 

"Can you do something for me?" He whispered. 

I whispered back in his ear. "It's my job." He did a slight giggle. 

"Alright can you go over there and grab yourself a snack and maybe something for me." I smiled.

"You want me to feed myself?"

"Yes you looked starved, and darling be careful with that skirt of yours." I looked at my skirt. Shit it's going up. 

"Thank you." I whispered smiling walking to the snacks. I saw the whole array of food and I grabbed the potato chips and a soda and I grabbed him a peanut mix and brought it back to him. 

"Thanks." He said lightly. He opened it and started eating. I put my soda in between my legs and opened the bag of chips. I started eating them and opened the soda. All the girls in the room stared at me in jealousy. One of them came up to me. 

"Hi, I'm Lexie how the heck are you eating that?" She whispered. 

"I just can." 

"I will not, ever eat that even if someone asked me it's death or carbs, I'd choose death." 

"Cool." I said. I was watching Nick say something about how their stocks are rising but their consumerist demand is decreasing, which to me sounded weird, but it made since. He kept going with we need something that no one else has.  The men in the suits sat silently. Confused. I couldn't think of anything, but I had to think of something, right I'm a consumer. I got up when the meeting and held the door open and everyone walked out. I walked to the table and leaned on it. "So that was eventful." 

"Mhm, yeah." He got up and rested his hand on my hand. 


"Lexie talked to you.."

"Yeah, and..."

"Um she's also an ex."

"Lord, was there anyone in the room that you hadn't slept with." 

"Well um some of the men." 


"There's a reason there isn't any alcohol at anymore budget meetings." I started laughing.

"Oh my god." 

"Yeah and I haven't slept with you." He said in the midst of the laughing. I stopped and smiled. 

"We should head back." He cleared his throat noticing the awkwardness. 

Architecturally not love...I thinkHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin