Chapter 16

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I woke up and he was on the ground again. I stepped around him and I brushed my teeth. I got dressed and made some eggs and toast. I set it all on the table and his parents walked out and started eating.

"Where's Nick?" I looked up from my food.

"Uhm, he's getting ready." He walked over to the table.

"Good morning everyone." He sounded flat and sad. After breakfast Amelia came by and we had a barbeque. Nick was standing by the barbeque cleaning it.

"Hey where were you?"

"The office."

"That's a lie."

"How could you tell?"

"Who were you with?" I posed the question.

"My ex who always wants me for sex, Lauren."

"I'm glad we're faking it, right." I walked away. I was shaking. I walked down to the beach. He followed me.

"Hey, I wanted to tell you, I didn't know how to?"

"You seemed perfectly fine telling me just now."

He grabbed my shoulder and spun me around so that I faced him. "I'll take Lauren out of my life, okay... whatever it takes."

"Yeah okay."

"But why'd you go to her?"

"I don't know."

"Oh so you don't know..."

"Alright, fine you want to know why. I NEED SEX I LIVE OFF OF to all that money and fortune, I'm the stereotype, I'm the guy everyone wants to fuck and I fuck them, because I like it, and since you can't give that to me, I had to go find it somewhere else!" I stopped and took a deep breath and realized what I said. Shit. Her face said it all. She was shocked and sad and I don't know what else, but it hurt to look at. She ran upstairs and I collapsed on the sand. I didn't know what to do. So I stopped and stared at the ocean.

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