Chapter 11

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I woke up with a smell of coffee flooding my nose. I had his fluffy white blanket covering my mouth. I moved it away and got up. I looked at the ground and saw he cleaned up. I walked into the bathroom and looked at his sink. "Shit no toothbrush." Then I noticed a note on the table with a toothbrush on top.

I know you'll probably worry about your white teeth so I found a spare in one of my drawers. You're welcome.

I took it and smiled. I poured water on the toothbrush and put toothpaste on top. I stuck it into my mouth and started scrubbing. I rinsed my mouth and washed my face and decided to walk out into the hallway. I heard clicking so I walked in. "Hey, would you possibly have any clothes that I can borrow?"

"Um yes, Mr. Jeane, I understand that the insulation we used is not compliant with your allergies, I will send men up to Paris and we'll pay for the hotel fees, email the hotel and the damages and I'll get back to you." He paused and nodded. "Oh it's always a pleasure to work with you, of course, of course understood, email me, no problem. Alright bye."

"What did you say Cassandra?"

"You're exes clothes or I can Claire to get me some clothes from my place."

"Um yes of course." He slid past me and walked into his room and opened a chest hidden under his bed. He opened it and he took out a summer dress.

"I was going to give this to her to meet my parents with, but it just never happened, so um. Here." He handed it to me and I went to the bathroom. "Let me know if you need anything more."

I slid on the dress and tied the neck band in the back but it had a zipper. I lifted the zipper until my arm started to ache.

"Nick, can you help me with this zipper?" I unlocked the bathroom door and he walked in. I spun around and he gently placed his hand on the zipper and slowly zipped it up. His warm hand brushed my back and it gave me chills. He lightly chuckled.

"You're all set." A phone started to ring. He tapped his ear.

"Oh my, hello Mr. Yun, yes it has been." He walked out of the room and I went to the kitchen. His parents didn't seem to wake up. So I decided to make some breakfast. I open his cabinet and took out the non stick pan. Then I added 1 cup of all purpose flour, 2 eggs, 1/2 cup of milk, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of melted butter. I stirred it up and spread some of the crepe mixture a light flat sheet of paper. I moved the pan and took the pan off the stove and flipped the crepe and cooked the other side when I was done I slid it on a plate and added some sweet cream and berries. I did this about four times and filled each one to what I thought each person preferred. I then made some pancake mix and put it in the waffle maker. While those cooked I chopped tomatoes. And diced some garlic. I opened the waffle maker and took the waffle out and sliced it into fours and squirted sweet white cream on top and then some berries on top. I took out the syrup pitcher and put it on the dining table. I then cut up fruits and put it on the table. When my pan was hot enough I put the tomatoes and garlic and when the tomatoes and garlic cooked I cracked a couple of eggs and let those cook. I put it on a platter and then on the table I placed the crepes on each designated spot. I washed every single dish and then walked to his office.

"Breakfast is ready." He nodded. I walked back to the living room and his father walked out of their room.

"Good morning." He noticed the table. "Oh wow this is a lot of food."

"Uh yeah kind of made what ever I could."

"Nicholas are you going to give your beautiful girlfriend a morning kiss." I turned around and Nick smiled at his father.

"I'd rather not, not in front of my father."

"Oh I kiss your mother in front of you all the time."

"It's uh different."

"It not at all." "I refuse to eat until I see a morning kiss."

"Papa it's really not that important."

"What is going on here?" His mother said walking out the room.

"They don't do morning kisses."

"They are young they probably don't want to seem indecent to us."

"Uh please join us for breakfast I've made anything that was possible to make in the house." I went to the kitchen and Nick followed me.

"You know they eventually have to see us do it once."

"Excuse me?"

"Kiss genius, they will have to see us kiss before they leave."

"Um yeah okay."

I grabbed the orange juice and the coffee pitcher and put them on the table.

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