Chapter 10

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When his parents came it was late at night and we had a dinner that we prepared. And then we talked about his childhood and how cute he looked and his mother just kept giving me dirty looks. 

I laid down on his bed and he wanted to sleep on the ground because his parents were here and he felt award. 

I smiled and looked up at the roof. "Has any other girl done this?"

"What? This no I was always beside them."

I chuckled "No, this-this story."

"Uh no, because they never came to America like this."

"So this is their first time in your home."

"Yeah, sadly."



"It's sad...."


"You lose any connection with your family, they raised you."

"It's what I needed to do."

"What did they do to you?"

"Nothing, they did nothing and that's the worst part, they stood by watching me grow up thinking I would do nothing with my life, thinking I'm worthless but it was them who were."

"I saw you today-with them-you didn't look like you hated them it didn't seem like any dislike." I sat up on the bed. He sat up too the blanket slid down and uncovered his six pack. "All I'm saying it didn't look like you saw them as....I don't know."

"People I truly deeply hated." He looked up with a half smile.

"Do you?"

"Do I?"

"Do you hate them?"

"No I mean they're my parents." He stood up and sat at the end of the bed.

"Love like theirs is unconditional, but that's it."

"I think unconditional love is the rooted kind of love."

"Yeah I mean in some ways you're right."

He spun his head towards me.

"How about your mum?"

"My 'mum' is lovely." I said mom mockingly.

"Are you mocking me?"

"Uhhh no."

"Yes you are." He ran up the bed and attacked me. He tickled me until I was wheezing.

"You're lovely as well." He stopped and smiled down at me. He leaned in slowly. I turned my head to the right and giggled. He got off and chuckled. "Right, now good night, this time I mean it."

"I know."

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