Chapter Eighteen

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Hailee's POV:

"How about a movie night?" Chloe suggests while we are all seated at our table in the cafeteria. "Okay." Blake and Tyler say in unison. "Sure." I say, shrugging my shoulders. I stab my fork into my salad. "So, your room or ours?" Chloe asks. "Yours." Blake decides. "Okay." I stab my fork into my salad again. "Okay, no need for that." Tyler says gently prying my hands away from my fork. "What's wrong?" Chloe asks curiously. "My mum is coming to visit and she is staying for a week." I say upset. "We both know it will end in fights, like usual." I finish. "Oh, do you wan't me to be there?" Chloe offers. "Me too." Blake says joining in. "Okay." I decide. "So what movies are we going to watch?" Blake asks. I decide to push the thought of my mother visiting to the back of my head. "I don't mind, how about Chloe and Blake get the movies and Tyler and I will get the junk food and we will meet back at our dorm room." I suggest to which the others agree with.

I hear muffled sounds coming from Chloe and Blake. Tyler turns to look at them before turning his attention back to the movie. "Screw it." I hear him whisper to himself before his lips meet mine. The kiss starts out slow and innocent but quicklyprogresses to much more. I can no longer hear Chloe and Blake going at it or even the movie, all my mind can focus on is this very moment with Tyler. "We're gonna go to my dorm." I hear Blake say quietly before the door shuts behind him. "That means we have the whole night, just the two of us." Tyler says smirking slightly. We continue to kiss with more passion that I ever thought possible. Somehow the both of us lost our shirts during our make out session. We start inching our way to the other side of the room where my bed is located. "I love you." Tyler whispers before his lips come crashing back down on mine. He lowers me slowly on my bed until my back is touching the soft covers. "Are you sure about this?" Tyler asks as he hovers above me. "Yes." I manage to breathe out before Tyler begins.

"Bye baby." Tyler whispers in my ear, giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Tell Toby and Jane I say hi." I say, making sure my blanket covers my chest as I sit up. "I will." He says before kissing me on the lips this time. "Last night was great." He comments before standing from his kneeling postion on the floor. "I love you." I say giving him another kiss. "Bye." I call out as he walks towards the door. "Bye princess." He says, closing the door quietly behind him.

Tyler's POV:

I tap my fingers on the steering wheel humming a tune. I can't stop thinking about what happened between Hailee and I last night. I start to go around a corner when another car drove straight into me. Everything became very blurry, very fast. I could feel the blood dripping from my face before it all went black. I couldn't see anything but I could still hear.

Laura's POV (Hailee's mum):

My phone buzzes from my handbag, which is in the back seat. "Ugh" I huff in frustration. I can't see any cars so I decide to risk it and get my phone. "Gotcha!" I say loudly before turning back around in my seat to face the front but right when I look up everything goes black.

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