{Chapter 3} :

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Just so everyone knows, all the Alphas believe Alpha Parker, Avery, is just another male Alpha. I wanted to make sure you guys knew that.

Kolten's POV:

After the rather interesting phone call with Alpha Parker, I had asked Travis, the Beta, and Zayn, the Third, to call a pack meeting in the common room. I wanted to talk to my pack about Alpha Parker and I's agreement. I didn't like the idea of him asking my own pack to follow his rules, and if they break the rules, he will enforce a punishment. Unfortunately, we need his help desperately.

I briskly make my way downstairs to the common room and am greeted by my pack members with ' Hello Alpha' . They already know that I had called Alpha Parker, but they have yet to know his response. That is what I plan on telling them.

I clap my hands to gather their attention. "As you all know, I have just gotten off of the phone with the Alpha of the Black Mist Pack. And he has given me an answer." I start off saying. Everyone in the room is tense and a few even look nervous as they wait for me to continue.

" He said, he is allowing us to visit his pack for training." When I am about to continue, I can see everyone relax slightly. "But, he has told me we must follow some rules. They are as followed, everyone in this pack must respect him and his pack members, whatever the training may be, there will not me any complaining or attitudes, and whenever there is a meeting, everyone must attend. Anyone who breaks any of those rules will face punishment enforced by Alpha Parker himself." Whenever I finish, everyone starts yelling complaints.

"Enough! Tell me one at a time, what the problem is." I look around the room and see a couple of hands raised. " Paxton." I say as I point to the strongest fighter.

"Alpha, are you seriously going to tolerate another Alpha ordering you around?"

"He is not ordering me, I agreed to his suggestions in exchange for his help. Next" I answer him.

" Alpha, this feels strange." Jonas informs me. Strange? What is so strange that he had to bring up. I nod at him to continue.

"I mean, 6 years ago the pack exiled Avery Parker, and all of a sudden 2 years later there is a new pack that takes the ranking of the strongest pack. And this pack's Alpha is very mysterious. " I see what he is getting at, but there is no way that Avery, an omega, made a pack. The strongest one at that.

"I understand your concerns, but this must be a different Parker. Avery must have been killed by Rogues 6 years ago after her exile. As weak and vulnerable as she was, there is no way she had formed the strongest pack in America." I conclude my opinion. But, for some reason I hate talking about her like that. I quickly shake away those thoughts, there is no way that I would feel bad for an omega.

"Meeting dismissed." I state as I go back to my room to pack.

* 2 days later*

Avery's POV:

Skye had insisted that I take 2 days off to "mentally prepare myself" for Kolton's pack. They were supposed to arrive at noon. At the moment I am applying eyeliner. Earlier, I had curled my short silver hair and put on a blue blouse, black leggings, black combat boots, a leather jackets and a tan scarf. I wanted to make an impression on Kolton and his pack of mutts. I can't wait to see their faces when they see me! Plus, I know that one of his pack members had suspicions about me, but Kolton refused it. Ha! This is going to be great.

I finished my makeup and looked at myself in the mirror. I mentally high-fived myself. As soon as I finished looking in the mirror I make my way downstairs. I see Jake and Skye snuggled on the couch watching the Grudge on Netflix.

"How dare you not invite me to watch a horror movie with you!" I say in a joking manner.

Skye just smiled and then looked at my outfit. She squealed and tackled me into a hug.

"My Avery is all grown up!" She sat up and whipped a fake tear away. I simply laugh with Skye and Jake.

"Jake, they should be here any minute. When they come let them into the meeting room have them wait for my fashionably late entrance." I had to remind him in case he forgot. We had gone over a plan that could or could not end badly Whenever the Crescent Moon pack arrives, Jake will answer the door, which Kolton being the idiot he is will believe Jake is the Alpha. He would have them follow him into the meeting room and excusing me for being late. I would then enter the room and sit at the head of the table and, well, we will have to see what will happen from there.

I go upstairs and sit in my office to finish up some last minute paperwork, as I wait for them. As the clock strikes noon, I hear the doorbell. I smirk and continue my work.

Kolton's POV:

We pull up to one of the pack houses. I am guessing this is the main pack house, since we are meeting the Alpha here. My pack and I climb out of the cars and I walk up to the door. I see the doorbell and press it hearing an elegant ring. The door opens and I see a man standing there. I feel a powerful aura around him. I guess this is Alpha Parker.

"You must be Alpha Parker. I am Alpha-" I am suddenly cut off.

"I know who you are, and I am not the Alpha, I am the Beta, Jake. Follow me to the meeting room." He turned on his heels and walks down the hall with us behind him. He leads us into a large room with a long table. I sit at one end of the table.

"The Alpha will be here shortly." He concludes. As soon as he said that, the doors open and the most amazing scent hits me. It smells of honey and roses. I looks in the doorway and see.....


I had to do it. Anyways, I will update tomorrow.

Happy Birthday, if today is your birthday.

-Owl ^-^

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