{Chapter 7} :

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Above is the song that I was told seems like the epitome of the story.  Let me know what you think.

There is also a picture on what Avery's purple eyes look like.


Avery's POV:


"Get up you filthy mutt!"  I hear the Alpha yell from downstairs.  Oh no.  I woke up late and didn't make the pack breakfast.  I am in for it this time.  I'm supposed to wake up at 5:00 A.M. that way I can start making breakfast.  The Alpha told me from now on, I had to make breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  And if I didn't finish in time I would be punished.  In reality, I get punished everyday.  It doesn't matter if I finish making food early or late, either way I am getting beat.

Oh, let me tell you how I am punished everyday.  I am either punched, slapped, kicked, stabbed, whipped, or shot.  I know, it sounds so fun! Note the sarcasm.  But after this happening on a daily basis, I sort of can handle it.  Although I have to act as if hurts way worse than it actually is.

I make my downstairs and scan around the kitchen for anyone.  Phew, no one is in here.  Just as I started to walk towards the fridge to grab the eggs and sausage, I am grabbed from behind by the collar of my large t-shirt.

" You good for nothing omega!  Why did you not make breakfast?"  The Alpha yelled at me. 

" Sorry Alpha.   I slept in."  I replied honestly while looking down.  If there is one thing I learned, you never look an angry Alpha in the eyes.  I've made that mistake too many times.  If I could, I would always look him in the eye because I am not as weak as most believe me to be.

" Slept in huh?  I'll make sure you won't wake up for a while.  You would like that wouldn't you?"

At the moment, I messed up.  Big time!  I look him in the eyes and.....yelled at him.  Well, goodbye world.  Nice knowing you while it lasted.

"  Quit threatening me!  I am not weak!  Just because I haven't shifted yet doesn't mean I am not strong."  I yell out.  I see other pack members walk in the kitchen to watch me yell at the Alpha.  Most look like I am crazy for speaking that way to Alpha Green.  I look around at some of the pack members and see my family look at me in disgust.  I also see Savannah smirking at me along with Kolton.  Lastly, I look at Alpha and see him fuming.

He grabbed me by the neck and threw me at the wall.  I fall with a loud thud.  He stomps over to me with his claws out.  He claws my face.  I wince and look at the crowd just watching me.  Kolton is just smiling at the fact that his dad is beating me.  I am pulled out of my thoughts when I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder.  I look over and see a knife lodged there. 

Finally, darkness welcomes me once again.

~Flashback Over~

After seeing the arrow sticking out of my shoulder, it brought back horrible memories.  And all I see is red.  The arrow must be tipped with a poison used on werewolves.  No, not wolfsbane.  This is less painful, but more harmful to others.  It is supposed to let a werewolves wolf out.  And normally a person's wolf will act on wolf instinct and can hurt others badly.  I've seen what it can do.

Luckily, since I am not a werewolf, I don't have a wolf that will come out.  But,  I have something even worse.  I have a dark presence.  And when it takes over, it will try to destroy anything or anyone that may come in our way.  It happened once before when I first found out I was a Shapeshifter. 

Once I realized what was going to happen, I turned to Jake and Skye. "Get everyone inside now!"

" Avery, what's going one?"  Skye asked.  As she said this, I felt the poison start to set in.  I felt me eyes flicker purple.

" Just make sure everyone stays inside.  I don't need to hurt anyone."  I turned to the crowd staring at me and the arrow in my shoulder.

" Everyone get inside now!  No one is allowed outside until notified by me."  I command my pack.  I hope Kolton and his pack doesn't get any bright ideas.  Everyone runs into the pack house except Mr. Smart Guy, AKA Kolton.

" Avery what is going on?" 

"Just. Go inside now!" 

"No! I am going to help you with whatever the threat is." 

" The Hunter is long gone by now." I say.

"Then what is the problem?"

"Me.  Don't ask questions."  After the sentence leaves my mouth I see hurt flash in his eyes.  I feel the poison start to take effect.  I grab the arrow and pull it out of my shoulder and throw it on the ground.  Kolton goes to grab it, but Jake, who also decided to stay outside, stopped him.

My eyes widen as I feel my eyes stay purple and start to get darker.  I start to take deep breaths to try to keep my darkness inside.  But, it isn't helping much.  I tense up and fall to my knees.  Jake and Kolton run to my side.  I see their mouths moving, but I can't hear what they are saying.  I can tell my eyes are now a dark purple.  My limbs are going numb to me.  I can tell the darkness is taking over.

All I can do, is watch and try to gain control.

~This part is still from Avery's POV, but she isn't in control of her actions.~

I snap my attention to the guy to my right that has dark brown hair.  Ah, Kolton.  I remember him causing Avery so much pain.  Let's see how he likes it.

I grab him by his neck and pin him to the ground.  I smirk and see he is still dazed by what just happened.  He's so pathetic for an Alpha.  Always expect the unexpected. 

Jake growls from my left.  Tsk Jake, I thought you know not to mess with me.  Just when you were getting on my good side too.  I pick Kolton up and throw him at a tree.  I turn towards Jake and see him shrink back.

"Good seeing you, Jake." I tell him smiling.  He looks back at me with a scared expression.  He bows his head in submission. 

I turn my attention back to Kolton and see him getting up.  I hear footsteps running out of the pack house.  Even better, and audience.  I remember Kolton always hurting Avery with an audience watching in the background.  I really care about Avery, so I think I should get some revenge.

Kolton meets my gaze and I see black eyes looking back at me.  Now I get to deal with his wolf too.


Hey guys!  So, I hope you guys like the chapter and the song that goes with it.  Let me know if this should be the official song for the story that I will put at the beginning of the story.

Also, what do you think about Avery having a darkness within her that only wants to get revenge on the people that hurt her?

I also wanted to say Happy Valentine's Day!  I love you all so much.  I honestly think without your guy's support, I would have stopped writing the story.  Again, I love you all.

If today is your birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

-Owl ^-^

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