{Chapter 6} :

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So, I am finally getting an update done!  I hope you guys like it.

Above is a video by REX who does covers of songs.  This is how I imagine how Avery sounds when she is singing.  I will let you know when you should listen to the song.


Avery's POV:

After Kolton left my room I felt tingles on my head from were he had kissed me.  It felt strange to me.  I was so used to him hitting me, that I never thought he could possibly give me affection.  I'm so torn apart.  I feel as if I should forgive him, but I also feel like I shouldn't.  I mean, he used to hurt me and now he is asking for my forgiveness.  I fall back onto the bed and stare at the ceiling.  Luckily I don't have a wolf in my mind pestering me about how I should go running into his arms.  Those were arms that used to help him hit me, but he wouldn't hurt me now.  Would he?  UGH!  This seems so puzzling.

I stand up from my bed and make my way to my dresser.  I grab some shorts and a tank top.  Ii strip from my clothes and slip on my sleepwear.  I head back to my bed that seems to be calling my name.  I jump onto my bed and snuggle into the covers.  There is nothing better than snuggling into a warm and comfortable bed.  I swear this bed is like my bestfriend.  I close my eyes and drift off into sleep.


I wake up to the feeling of someone shaking me.  Just so everyone knows, I am NOT a morning person.  I hate being woken up, no matter the situation.  We could be under attack and if I am woken up, I will tear someone's head off.  Aren't I nice?

"Go away..."  I mumble.  I sound so awake. Note the sarcasm.

"No, you have a meeting with Kolton.  And you have to get ready."  I recognize the voice as none other than Skye.  She has handled my stubbornness before.

"No, I don't wanna go."  I say a little more awake.  After I say that, I feel Skye start to push me.  Before I can do anything I am hurtling towards the floor.  And I don't land gracefully.  I jump up and glare at Skye.

"Why did you do that!"  I yell at her.  She doesn't even flinch at my tone.  Most people would.

"You and your grumpy butt need to get ready for that meeting.  Now go!  Sorry to say, but you can't really pull off a rat's nest."  She says indicating to my hair.  My morning hair is definitely not attractive. 

I grudge towards the bathroom and turn on the shower.  I do my business and shed my clothes.  I step into the warm, relaxing water and feel my tense muscles relax.  I put shampoo in my hair and scrub.  And then do all the normal boring shower stuff.  I step out and wrap myself in a towel.  I step into my room and turn into my closet.  I grab a black crop top, jean shorts, and a red plaid shirt.(Picture above)  After I get dressed, I slip on my black Vans.  I walk to the mirror apply makeup, and curl my hair. 

I stroll out of my room and head into my office.  I sink into my chair and look at the time.  It's 2:54,  I didn't  think I slept that late.  I decide to scan through some papers before Kolton gets here. 

After a few minutes, I hear some knocks on the door.  "Come in."  I tell them.  Kolton walks in looking confident in his white t-shirt and blue jeans.  I lean back in my seat as he sit in the chair across from me. 

"Morning, Green."  I tell him, not hiding the smirk on my face.

"Same to you Avery."  He replies with the same smirk.  I look at his eyes and notice a flash of confusion and admiration.  Why does he always have to look at me with either love or admiration.

"I can tell you seem confused by why I asked to see you here."  I state. 

"Yeah, do you accept my apology?" 

"Honestly,  I haven't come to a conclusion if I should, especially this fast.  Did you expect me simply accept your apology and forget what you did.  If so, you must think I am pretty stupid.  But, that isn't why I asked you meet me here."

"I don't think you are stupid at all.  I know it will take a lot for you to accept it.  So, why is it you asked me here?"

"I am wanting to see if you had any questions for me.  It seemed like you did when you saw me after 6 years."

"Oh. Uh, yeah I do." 

"Ask away."

"What happened after you left?"  Of course he would ask that.  Wait.  Did he say that I left? 

"One, I didn't just leave.  Second, after about a couple of days, I was being chased by Rogues and stumbled upon the Elders lands.  There I was adopted and raised by Celeste and Ethan.  After my 18th birthday, I requested that I am permitted to form a pack.  Therefore,  I made the Black Mist Pack.  The rest I'm pretty sure you can figure out."

"When did you shift?" 

"On my 16th birthday." 

"How come we didn't know?" 

"You were all to busy with  training or with your personal lives than to pay attention to me ." 

"Oh..."  He concludes. 

"And,  I am wanting to invite you and your pack to the bonfire tonight.  Once a month, we have a bonfire that had games for kids, obstacle courses, and a talent show.  We do this so pack members can become close."

"We'll be there."  He says while smirking.

"Good.  See you there, Green."  I stand up and walk out of my office smiling.

I mind-link Skye and Jake.  "We need to setup for our talent show performance."

"Got it." They both reply at the same time. 


The bonfire is all setup.  The obstacle course is on full display and games are set out for the kids.  The stage has been put up and the wood is in a pile ready to be set on fire. 

All of my pack is here, we are just waiting for Kolton and his pack to make an entrance.  As I finish this thought, Kolton's pack walks out onto the field.  Well speak of the devil.  Lastly, I see Kolton and Travis walk towards me.  I put a smile on my face as they get closer.

"Quite the turnout, Avery."  Travis says.  I notice his mischievous smirk.

"Glad you decided to join us at last.  Now the bonfire can start."  I send them a playful smile and as I finished saying that the fire roared to life.  I can feel the calming warmth surround me.  I turn on my heels and make my way to the stage to join Skye and Jake.  We decided to perform for everyone.  Jake is on drums, and Skye and I are singing.  I stand behind the microphone. 

"Thanks to everyone that showed up for the bonfire.  Jake, Skye, and I will be performing tonight.  And to start off we will perform, "Ride" by Twenty One Pilots." 

I see everyone clap and whistle at us.  I look back at Jake and Skye and smile.

{Play the song above now}

Throughout the song I kept looking at Kolton who was beaming at me.  I guess he wasn't expecting me to be able to sing.  It's a pastime for me.  I also look around and see my biological family staring at me.  Man, sometimes I wish I could just take a picture of people's faces.

When the song was finished,  we took a breather.  The next thing I remember is screaming and a sharp pain in my right shoulder.  I look and see an arrow.  Crap....


I hope you guys like the song above.  I personally loved it. 

And, if today is your birthday then............HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!

-Owl ^-^

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