Adopt little Eren

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Ever since his wife died his whole world stops.....He has built a wall that keeps others away no
But a year and a half later,he fulfilled a lifetime promise....To be a father..and fulfill his wife's last have a child and become a family.....
Hanji his old friend was surprised by the sudden visit in an orphanage her husband sponsored
"Levi!!!I'm so glad you came!!!how are you?" She asked in a high pitch voice
" shut it shitty glasses! I'm just here to adopt....." He said
"Fine!wait here...!" A minute later
She came back with a girl...
"Levi this is Ymir....she will lead you to to the playrooms! The children were in there by now!"
She said
The girl Ymir led Levi to a door with a sign Playroom in childish writing she opened it and let Levi in...scanning the whole room...the children may seem to notice him but was too shy or too afraid to come to him
"I'll be by the dining area to prepare their food call me you have found who you want to adopt....
She left,leaving the man who just sighed,observing the children in silence..he was about to leave thinking that he have to come back tomorrow to observe once again but was stop when something hit his hip he looked down only to see a boy in the age of 3-4 holding a titan plushy rubbing his forehead... He knelt down to the child's height
" I'm sorry!are you okay?" He asked in a soft voice not wanting to scare the child.....
"Mmmm!I'm okay!" The child assured looking at his eyes
"Well then..."
"Mr.why are you sad?" The boy suddenly asked
"Why do you ask?"
"Because your eyes show it!" The child said.....
He was shocked...the child easily look through him....just like his wife
"" what's your name?"
"Eren!" The child smiled
His eyes widened.....That's the name he and Petra wanted to name if they ever have a child
That's when he realized...... The child was every bit of the child his wife wished for....
Fantasizing for a child who have brown hair so it would look like a mixture of their own and those big blue green eyes...just like the an instant the child already have that soft spot and a place in his heart....
He carried the child and went out of the playroom to a door with the 'dining area' sign
"Ymir!bring us to hanji!" He said in a cold voice
Ymir nodded bringing  them to Hanji
"Hanji I want to adopt Eren!" He said staring Hanji
"Ohhhhhhhh?I'm so happy!!!congratulations Eren!!"
Hanji said pinching Eren's cheek
The boy who was clueless for the moment smiled realizing that the man carrying him will be his new father....
"Ymir!pack his things!" Hanji ordered which the girl obeyed right away disappearing into the rooms
Levi turned to the child who was silent but was smiling wide,his cold gaze met His warm ones
"Daddy!" He cut the child
Earning a confused gaze
"Since you're living with me from now on I want you to call me Daddy!" He said in a monotonous voice
The child hugged Levi tight
"Daddy!" He said
Levi's heart thump...he loves how the boy calls him that soft and warm
"Eren here's your things!" The girl Ymir said handling a small backpack which Levi carried
"Say good bye!" Levi said
Eren nodded
"Bye miss Hanji!bye sister Ymir!
Miss Hanji say bye bye to Mr. Erwin for me!" He said waving
"Awwwww!bye Eren!don't worry we'll visit you!!"

Okay!!!!long chappy!sorry!heheheheheeh
Just ........uhmm..nahh never mind YEAGER!!!!!!!!!!

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