About Mom

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Eren's POV,
I've been having dreams about mom lately,it feels so real
She would talk and laugh with me and tell me that it's time to wakeup,hug and kiss me on forehead
Then when I open my eyes all of pur conversations forgotten but that feeling that her touches were real
She's dead I know but having dreams about her made me so curious it hurts....So so curious that I want to ask dad all about her but I can't,I know he will get hurt asking about mom and I don't want to be the selfish and curious child that wants to know about a deceased mother that what makes it so painful........
"Wha...Armin are you saying something?"
"I'm asking you about your next match! Set that aside...Are you okay?"
"Y-yeah!I guess"
"You guess?Eren I know you since first grade you can't hide anything from me!"
"It's nothing Min min!"
"C'mon Ren ren I know some things up! Huh!don't tell me!you failed a subject?"
She asked in fake gasp
I pouted at her
"No!i-it's  just that I've been feeling a little unwell this morning! Until now!"
She put her hands on my forehead then observed me close our face an inch apart
"You don't have a fever!but you should rest when you got home so it will not turn into a fever!why are you so red?"
"Uhhh!uhmmmm!nothing but thanks a lot Armin I feel a little better! You never fail to make me feel better!"
"Yeah right I'm your friend why not help?"
Ouch!!!!! Friend!!never mind soon!it will be boyfriend!!!!!!!!!!!
The class started  and ended before I knew now it's that me to go home!!
*time skip*
"Eren!you're early no practice today?"
"Yeah!hey Mika what do you want for dinner?"
"You'll cook?It's the end of the world Eren is cooking"
"Shut up!now what do you have want?"
"Uhhm why don't you make a stew today?"
"I'll be upstairs!call me if uncle's home and when it's time for dinner!"
I crack my knuckles and neck grab the utensils and ingredients then start my kitchen magic....just kidding
"I'm home!"
I heard my dad from the front door
Surprisingly he owns a big house
But we didn't have a maid or a driver
So we help each other in every task
"Dad!welcome home! Dinner's ready I'll call Mika!" I said with a smile as he took off Hus coat then gave out a heavy tired breath
"You cooked?how Are we going to be sure that that food you made isn't poison?"He asked smirking at me
" Dad!are you challenging my skills?"I asked jokingly narrowing
my eyes at him
"Let's see about that young man!"
He said in a challenging voice
I called Mika from upstairs telling her it's time for dinner,dad went to o his room to change as I prepare the food on the table
*time skip*
Levi's POV,
We were enjoying the meal which is surprisingly good when I noticed that Eren has a little frown on his face
"Hey bud! Something bothering you?" I didn't Even get a reply
"Yes!wha...Oh sorry dad what was it?"
"You were spacing out what's wrong?"
"Nothing to worry about!" He sighed
"Eren,your ears are red I can tell you're lying"
"Dad whatever it is it's nothing I can not handle!" He smiled sheepishly
"The last time you told me that you almost got yourself in a car accident"
"Dad!I just don't want to be unfair!"
"Aren't you being unfair right now?"
"Fine it's about mom!"
He snapped averting his eyes
"I'll leave you two!as much as I want to listen I know I have no right besides I already know everything!"
Mikasa said putting the dishes on the sink before rushing upstairs
I am left with Eren who's biting his bottom lip
"Eren,tell me!what is this all about?"
"I've been dreaming about Mom lately,uh..should I even call her that?do I even have a right?After all I wasn't given a chance to meet her!" A faint smile on his lips gave a pang of pain in my heart
How can he smile hurting like that?
"If you really want to know why don't you come with me tomorrow?
It's her death anniversary" I said finishing the conversation before going upstairs
Half a minute I heard rushing of water and some clink from the dishes what hurts me is I heard a sob,I take a quick look and the sight is unbearable,He stopped washing with a little bit if suds on his hand leaning on the kitchen sink biting his lip to contain his sobs,
I wanted to approach him but it felt like I was glued at where I was standing
"Goddamnit!" I heard cursing
Then the sobs subsided to sniffles then the water runs again and the clink of plates continued
That's when I decided to go to my room,with a heavy feeling inside
I realize how selfish I was, He didn't ask anything because he knew I was going get hurt,and I call my self a father?Yeah a sorry excuse of a father......
That night I spend thinking about everything,I just left with a conclusion,I will change for the better..........................

Guys!! Sorry for Kate updates gomene! But!since school is about Go back I maybe updating soon

As He grows Up (Snk fanfic) AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin