Suspension Days 2

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"Eren come here!" I shouted enough to let it go through the whole house
"Yes dad?"
"I thought we could use some company!" I smiled before revealing Armin and Mikasa
He beamed pouncing on me almost making the grocery bags that I'm carrying to fall
Luckily I have good reflexes
"Thanks dad!" His smile reached his ears with a little tint of pink on his cheeks ,guess his little crush on Armin still remains
"Go on pick up a movie,I'll prepare the snacks okay?" He nodded as he excitedly pulled Mikasa and Armin to sit in front of the TV on the carpeted floor
He Flick on USB mode(AN:I don't know what it's called) in a minute or two I heard muffled sounds coming from the TV
I sighed,scooping some ice cream placing it on bowls putting some whipped cream then some marshmallows and sprinkles
"Snack's ready!"I said placing the tray with the bowls in front of them
" thanks dad!"
Eren said giving Armin and Mikasa their bowls before getting his
"Eren! Are you sure you're okay?" Armin asked
"Of course! Besides you guys are here to make me feel better right?I guess that's all I ask for now!"
He answered being the smart boy he is,his answers were some what wiser for his age
"Next time don't act up because of emotions Grumpyhead!!" The girls scolded in unison
Leaving Eren blinking in amusement before they laugh it off
"I'll bake cookies you three wait here!" I said disappearing once again in the Kitchen........
Guess I didn't have to worry that much
~time skip~
The next day I drove Mikasa to school and being suspended Eren sleep until 9:00 that day,It didn't bother me,my schedule for today is 10:00 am
"You sure you'll be okay?"
"Dad!!I'm not 5 okay!I'll be fine!I will not shove myself in a dark room and I know the rules!I promise I will clean the house!" He replied with his lopsided smile
"Okay!" I sighed then kissed his forehead
"I'm Leaving!if I see a mess when I arrive!, your grounded!" I said sternly
"No mess!Promise!see you dad!"
He waved at me,I waved back getting inside the car the went off,
Before I went home I pick Mikasa up,I noticed she's holding an envelope
"What's that?"
"Someone gave me a love letter!" She sighed
I was a bit surprised,I know she's a pretty girl, I can even compare her to snow white but a 9 year old having a love letter? What other things does a child knows these days?
"And who did it came from?" I asked
"I don't know coz I just got it from my locker!"
"Well!if you ever knew who he was,tell him that you're too young for that,that time will come but for now.." I said while driving
"Yes I know uncle, I have no idea what this kind of things are for!" She said shrugging
I can feel the corners of my lips turn up a little, knowing that both her and Eren are smart children and I have nothing much to worry about
When we arrived my smile widen a little seeing that the house is clean
"Eren we're home!" I called then he came scrambling from downstairs
"Welcome home dad,Mika!!" He grinned as we get in
He gasped
"Mika,you got a love letter!"he teased
" shut up!" She said in a dead tone
"MIKA GOT A LOVE LETTER!!SHE'S NOW A GIIIRRLLL!!" He laughed hysterically scrambling again upstairs as Mikasa followed him with a devious smirk
"You're not going anywhere Eren!" I sighed as I heard both of them laugh their lungs out
~time skip~#Last Day#(this chapter is long sorry)
The last day of his suspension is all about worrying what will happen as he goes back to school
I've tried to calm him down but being a child he is he won't calm down with his what ifs and what should I do's
"Eren calm down!" Mikasa said while having breakfast
"But Mika!!!how am I suppose to face all of them when now that they think of me as a violent child!" He frowned shoving a pancake in his mouth
"Then prove them wrong!"
I said
He just pouted
"Mika hurry up you're going to be late" I said grabbing my car keys
"Bye Eren!" Mika said
Before we left I heard Eren gave a frustrated groan
"Uncle do you think he's a little over reacting?" Mikasa tilted her head
"Maybe," I sighed
"Oh!uhmm can you come in with with me later,for my registration in Karate class?"
"Karate? Are you sure?you won't hurt yourself?" I frowned
"I'm an Ackerman,I'm stronger than anyone!" She said confidently
"Of course you are!" I chuckled
Yeah,I'm really surrounded by smart kids!
That Evening I managed to talk to Eren convincing him to not panic going back tomorrow
He just sleep his nervousness which gave me hopes that he just shrugged off the thought but I'm greeted with dozing off Eren the next morning to my dismay!
At least he pulled through that day!

..sorry it took so long  I'm having yet again another writers block!!!.anyways!!Yeager!!!!!

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