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Standing in the middle of the crowd,i stood breathless looking at Marco who's walking towards me, he's not just wearing any tux
He's wearing a V-neck underneath a burgundy vest with ending in his fored arm with the ends have ruffles of Satin,it fits the black dress pants and the vest is designed without gold patterns to top it is a choker on his neck,
My breath hitched swallowing hard,my heart is pounding at the sight of him,i can feel all the blood rush to my face as I started to imagine his soft lips on mine
"Jean you okay? " he's soft voice ring in my ears
"yeah,...uhmm... You look stunning" heck did I just stutter? He just chuckled
"star struck aren't we? " now he's teasing,stop doing that or I might kiss you! The hell what am I thinking?
"oh c'mon Jean, stop gawking at me will you and hey where's your date? Pretty sure she's around here shouldn't you be with her? " he asked
"no.... I....we split ok, found out she's cheating on me" I said my tone a bit lower
"oh sorry about that... seem to take it lightly?"
"huh?why do you say so? "
"the fact that you're here even though you and your supposed date and girlfriend split  up"
"I don't know, I thought at first it would hurt me that hard but I actually felt a bit of reliefwhen we broke up"
"why is that? "
"guys because I'm starting to get fed up of the relationship,it just doesn't feel the same "
"or maybe because your instincts are telling you that she's cheating and you should stay away"
"yeah maybe!..enough about that, let's get the others and enjoy the night I'll get a punch"
"sure thing that would be nice" He smiled wide giving me this flutter feel in my stomach, as I went,he mingled with the gang who's on the corner table eating and chatting
"here you go! " I gave him the punch assuring myself it wasn't spiked
"thanks love! " he said,my eyes went wide hearing that and my heart started to leap
"ooooihhhhhhhhh snappppp!already claiming Jean eh Marco? "Ymir chimed
"you guys I'm just teasing" can't say I'm not disappointed hearing that
"but seriously Marco you're looks are a killer today,the girl's work i assume "Eren complimented
"yeah,thanks to the the girls "
"Jean you're silent,still star struck at our mommy Marco here? "
"shut up Connie,why don't you just ask Sasha to dance like you've been itching to!"
"awwww Connie, I'd like to" Sasha then grabbed a flustered Connie on in the dance floor
"I'm gonna take a walk for some air" Marco announced
"I'm coming with you" I followed, we ended up in a garden,we sat on the bench in comfortable silence
I took a glance on Marco, he's  stunning, glowing and I feel like I'm falling,
Am I really falling for him?
"Jean...stop staring like I'm a painting to gawk at OK? You might fall for me if you don't stop"
"W... What if.. What if I'm already falling? "
" Stop that..."
"No...  What if the very reason why I feel so relieved breaking up with Margaux is because I'm falling for another person? "
"and should that person be me?.... I'm going to be honest Jean, I'm in love with you,have been ever since third year middle school, I didn't have the courage to tell you because we're best friends and I don't want to ruin what we have when I'm not sure if you feel the same,and I'm doing it now because I guess I'm ready to accept anything ... So please Jean, don't give  hope to hold on to...  Because I might give in and.... And"
Tears started to form in the corner of his eyes, I stared at him wide eyed,did he just  confess to me?  He loved me all this time and yet... I introduced  a girl that I courted out of infantuation, have I been hurting him this whole time?
"idiot of course it hurts but I don't blame you because you don't know and you're pretty oblivious sometimes, you're face says it all" he looked at me little on his cheeks
I just realize the very reason why I'm falling in love with him... Although it will be hard to explain, .... I did what I think the best way to answer this, I pulled him close to me letting our nose touch
"hey don't cry, I'm not one to cry for you know? No use on crying on the jerk who hurt you but let me love you back, give me the chance to prove you that I love you and this is not just because I'm being considerate as we are friends but because I've fallen for you,probably a long time ago but I was coward to face it... You don't know how much I think of you that when I kissed her who I saw is you and it scared me at first but it's you, I tried to push it away but it still lands on you, I'm not one to be cheesy and corny but Marco... Marco... Marco... You drive me crazy "
"idiot! I'll give you the chance but don't expect for a second one" he chuckled we enjoyed the close contact my hands on his waist and his on my back....
"you know,i think it's up for the last dance we should go back inside"
*time skip*********/////*********//////***//
"Hey Jean..." Marco said as we dance to the music,the last dance is up and there is a superstition that the last dance will give you the one
"yeah? "
"I love you" he looked at me then smiled
I  did not give a reply, I just pulled him closer and closed the gap claiming his lips the lips longed for
It was sweet,chaste and passionate ....
I hope the night won't end soon

Okay my nuggets, I wish that you're happy with the update
If you don't like shounen ai or yaoi then don't read this still hope you enjoyed

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