Stress comes to shove

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Eren's POV,
          I'm in my soccer practice and frustratingly I haven't goal a single ball which is stramge for me,This isn't like me!
I mentally  slap myself to focus but it's not working and our coach is already losing patience the last straw is when I kicked the ball straight to my coach's face
"ACKERMAN!" He called me,I hesitatingly jogged towards him
"what's with you today?Look nevermind... Get out of the field for now and make sure when you get back your head is in it's proper place" he said before walking out living me to pick op my stuff and like he said get out of the field and of course go home... I went home frustrated,Ignored my dad and Mikasa  went to my room pull out my text books and note books,did my homeworks and review for the following day hoping that tomorrow school isn't as stressful as it was this day...

My hopes came crashing down when I realized school is more hellish than it was yesterday I've been running the hallways brimhing this and that buying this and that studying this and that,I'm going crazy
Luckily by the end of the day I'm done with the nigjtmare,the only thing that I need to do is soccer practice  and I'm just one step to snap,
Again my hopes crash down I don't know what to do anymore soccer practice just didn't go how it should be note the ball tjat landed on my face  knocking me out for 5 minutes they almost called an ambulance  luckily they didn't have to because here Iam going home from a soccer practice not bothering to talk to my dad when I got home and just slept through another restless night

The next day Is another mess specially when almost all of your teachers called for you in their office and told you that you've been having low scores on almost every test and short quizzes and then they tell you that you are getting cocky not reviewing because you're kinda like in the top and the threat of giving you a failing grade on your report card...BULLSHIT
I've had enough!I walked out of the office then went back to our homeroom
Armin sat beside and examined me up and down with a frown on her face
"are you okay?"
"I don't know" I admitted
"you look pale,you look like you just got out of the morgue"
"really?" great my voice even got hoarse
"youlook like you'll pass out on your feet you need to got to the nurse's office!"
"but Ar—"
"Sir, Ackerman isn't feeling well anf I'll be taling him to the nurses!" she didn't wait for a reply and just pulled me out hand in hand  now I think I'm blushin like a tomato

The nurses office isn't much of a fuss I just lied down and closed my eyes the moment I opened them again the nurse told me that it's time to go home,the problem is I have a pounding headache

When I got home my dad is the first face I saw but he has a frown on his  face
"finally!" he sighed
"am I in trouble?" I asked
"almost! You became irresponsible today you forgot to lock tbe door and the gate,you did not cover the left overs and you left all the lights on!" he said coldly
"I'm sorry I'm running late and it slipped my mind"
"but that doesn't give you an excuse! What if somethig  have happened? This isn't like you! You've also been off the past few days and I rather you tell me than to talk to your teachers! So?"
I stood there biting my lip before taking a deep breath I can not hide anything from my dad and it will give me a mightmare if I did not tell anyone
"it's just a stressful week dad! It's been a pressuring week for me"
"It's not just that is it?"
"I've been having a bit of trouble in soccer  and a little bit of trouble with my teachers!"
"that's all?"
"for now yes" I sighed
"should I call your school for an absence?"
"no!it's fine dad I'll be fine!" I defended
It was a moment of silence when he finally sighed
"fine!just...if you really can't handle it anymore just tell me bud!" I almost fell of my chair in relief,he dismissed it for now
The last thing I did that day is to flop in my bed and sleep

The next day is I guess the worst,I woke up late,forgot my wallet,got an F in math,forgot my history homework,had a mini explosion in chem and knocked out a can of paint on Armin,Mikasa and Sasha  guess wht really got me frustrated is that I'm about to get replaced in the team,the team is having a match next week and tjry fidn't need an idiot that doesn't know what focus means that's what my coach told me and it' s frustrating
When I got home the first  I wanted to do is to freshen up thinking a warm bath can soothe some frustrations away
I filled the tub,stripped then hopped in I sat in the tub feeling the warmness of the water,I submerged as some of the frustration came back filling my head with thoughts,The warmness is still there but my chest feels tight tears flowed out from eyes although invisible because of the water it's there, it feels unfair,you've done many things and what they noticed was that single mistake,it's frustrating feeling like you're sinking into the abyss but you still struggle to be pulled back up
"ren.................get up............tub..........drown....." it is faint but I can hear some words, I wanted to follow the voice,I tried to reached up just to catch it then something roughly pulled me up but it doesn't hurt,I feel numb
"EREN WHAT WERE YOU THINKING YOU ALMOST DROWNED!" A stern yet worried voice snapped me out coughing up some water out from my throat then I gasped for air,
"d-dad" I managed to say as  I collapsed in his arms choking out a sob grabbing a fistful of his shirt,I heard him sigh of relief  but he didn't say anything, he just kissed the top of my head rubbing my back

That night dad called a doctor to check on me since I almost drown luckily I was jsut sttled with an IV and a sedative  and the doctor left leavimg me and dad
"you scared me there bud"
"s...orry!" I tried to reply  but the drug is already working  the last thing I remember is something warm and comforting before I leave for dreamland

Okay that's long whew!!!!!  Anyways I'll try to update fast but until then

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