Ball 1

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Eren is back,after days of keeping himself behind closed doors and a bit of  Levi's overprotective mode he's back and just in time for the last arrangement for the school's annual ball which includes the invitations,the decorations for the school gymnasium where the ball Will be held and of course dates
And he really want to ask Armin who speaking of the devil engulf him in a bear hug tackling him
"EREENNN!!!! YOU IDIOT!😢😢😢😢😢 HOW COULD YOU DO THAT!YOU DIDN'T EVEN LET ME VISIT!" She blabbered pouting at Eren who's absentmindedly looking at her his head on the clouds
"WHAT? " she snapped her fingers in front of Erenr who snap back to reality
" you wearing liptint?"
She looked at him with an 'are you serious?'look
"Of course I'm a girl too duh!"
"y-you ugh...the color suits you!" she immediately blush at the comment grinning still wide
"sorry though! I will never worry You again Min-min" He scratch that back of his neck thinking of how cheesy that was
"Eren!just please don't do it again  I don't want you to keep it in,we're  here you know!"
She said caressing his cheek,the gesture that always make Eren's heart beat fast,the touch that gave him the assurance other from Levi
He simply stared at the blonde getting lost in two deep pools of blue as he indulge himself in the warmth of her hand
"hey idiot!" the moment was cut By Jean slapping Eren's back lightly making Eren roll his eyes as mentally curse Jean
"what do you want horse face?"
"that's rude you ass!"he said faking hurt by the comment
"JEAN!" (and this is where other shipping starts...  TIME FOR SOME FUJOSHI TIME BIISHES!!) A hand smack his head
"be nice he just came back"  Eren's annoyance turned into a smile,basically thanking Marco for saving him from Jean's teasing
"Marco! Thank god,you are the only one who can make him stop!"
"am I now? " The freckled boy smirked at the direction where Jean is
"it's obvious!dude you are the only one he  listens to.So are you two you know a.... Thing? "
"no! We are not! " There's disappointment in his voice
"but you love him do you?" the question came out as a whisper
"I do,  but I don't know about him, he gave hints and it makes me hope that it was the case somehow" before he could even reply Marcio shook his head and smiled bright then abruptly changed the subject
"How bout you? I know you've been  itching to ask Armin in that dance" he smiled sheepishly wiggling his eyebrows and Eren swore he can feel all  blood rise up to his face
"EREN!EREN!EREN! man up dude! You know how charismatic she is and she  have many boys who wishes to dance with her" he smiled
"speak for yourself!why don't you also man up  and confess to Jean? "
"nope! He won't!"
"you'll never  know until you try!"
"he already asked someone! "
"what?who?I swear if it's Mikasa-"
"It's a girl from another class and apparently they're also dating, so no!" he sighed
"I swear, Jean! Why can't he just see you is he blind or something?" Eren ranted about their issue
"well love is blind" the freckled boy replied
"why can't he see? He belongs to you!"
"Oh my did you just?" Marco turned to  Eren eyes wide like saucers
"yeah  I did!" and with that they just burst out laughing
Oh he just wish Jean knew what he'll be loosing if he continues to be an idiot
But if Jean is straight as a bendable ruler he respects that but Seeing Marco this sad because of Jean makes  Eren want to strangle Jean and let him see he's not as straight as he think
Never mind though,it's time to think at a way to ask Armin, he will not let this slip not ever,he may sound  like Levi who doesn't want to lose but it's Armin he's thinking about (an: forgot to mention she and Mikasa left already while Eren is talking to Marco,even Jean left) and he would not trust anyone with Armin and that is what Erwin would agree on
He slammed his locker door then proceed to class all while thinking of a way to ask Armin,then it click, an Idea popped in his head,he smiled imagining about how it will go and it left him in the clouds for a whole day
************************TIME SKIP********
Their group strolled the hallways chattering about the day and Eren's comeback when Eren turned to the group
"guys! I'll be asking Armin to the dance "
The group stood there and gawked at him awkwardly before Sasha broke the silence "HA! TOLD YA! Y'all owe me!" she cheered so much for everyone's frustration
"wait you did  a bet? " he ask amused
"yeah,turns out Sasha's right about you asking her" Connie answered
"oooohhhhh are you planning on asking her today?" chimed Krista
He just scratch hthe back of his head with a goofy smile
"then what are you waiting for dummy? Go find your Juliet if you don't want other Romeo steal her" Mikasa said shooing Eren
"you mean Reiner? "Connie asked
They all look at him with a 'bitch seriously?'  look
"what it's true he's planning to ask Armin"
"RUN ALONG EREN! "Marco shouted as Eren sprinted the corridor looking for Armin
He found her going out of the library 
"EREN?whoa hold your Jean*horses*what's the rush? "
"uhmm..... Ah.... Ice cream? MY TREAT and if you want we can go to an arcade"
She beamed
It took a bit before it process in Eren's head but snapped out of it
Now they are in and ice cream shop just after the go crazy in arcade
"Eren you look...spacy are you OK? Should I call your dad? "
"no! I'm fine,just Armin can I ask you something? "
"yeah?" she smiled
"I was wondering if you already have a...  A... Date in the dance? " he said it ,with a blush creeping in his face
"straight to the point?" Armin said anticipation in her voice
"can I take you as a date? " Eren now is freaking out inside his hands sweating cold
Then Armin laughed the very laugh that give Eren butterflies
"are you really asking that? EREN for all I know you're the only boy who can ask me something like that and then survive my dad!"She said still giggling
"and?" Eren did not know what to say he's between confused,nervous and excited
"IDOIT! Of course I'll be glad to be your date! " she giggled
"wha?? REALLY? "Eren stared at her wide eyed
"I said yes" she replied
"OHHHHH MYYYYY!! ARMINNNNN! "He yelled before shutting up realizing the crowd around the ice cream shop
"c'mon EREN! let's go home so you can overcome that shock! " Armin stood up and took his hand and pulled him out of the shop
They stood in front of Armin's house
"see you tomorrow Eren!" she waved before closing the door
As Eren Absentmindedly walk in their block and in their house
There waiting is his dad who raise a brow at his ear to ear smile then down the stairs came Mikasa grinning with the look of anticipation
"so? " she asked
"SHE SAID YES! " he beamed
"who said what? "Levi asked
"Eren asked Armin to be his day in the dance and she said yes!" she cheered
Levi smirked before shaking his head and head to the kitchen  mumbling
"they grew up to fast"
"you don't get to tease me brat or I'll give you the 'talk'" he retorted back
Eren and Mikasa's jaw dropped before shrugging off and went in Eren's room agreeing to have a movie night later with Levi
That's a good day!

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