Soccer Match

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I sat on the bleachers a little away from people, I admit I hate crowds they're annoying,next to me are Mikasa and Armin,what are we doing here?to watch Eren's first soccer match,good thing it is my day off,or should I say I took a day off after a month of fixing something in the company non stop........
After 10 minutes the game finally started, Eren's team(The Legion) has the ball A tall child,I guess their senior pass the ball to another  child but smaller though it got stolen by the other team The Titans(XD) that's what they call them aiming for the goal the ball flew almost right through the net but was deflected by a child,wait it's Eren he kicked the ball right before it went through the goal stealing the ball from the other team
"GO EREEENNN!" Both girls beside me shouted cheering for Eren
"Aaaand Score!" The announcer declared
",The Legion on the lead!" The People roared even the girls .........
After a minute timeout
The game started again
The game rolled Like the first but much intense specially when both teams keeps on counterattacking each other causing cheers and shouts from the audience but it died down when a child got hit on the head causing a timeout,I panicked ,it was Eren ,I bit my bottom lip thinking if he's okay half a minute the game started again to my relief it was nothing serious
"Go Legion!Go Eren!!!!!!!" The girls shouted once again...........
The game ended 2-0 Legion wins which Eren takes on the goal
When Everything settles down we came to see Eren by their locker room Kids and their parents came out a while after Eren came to me running,he almost tackled me lunging his whole body towards me
"Dad!we won!we won!thanks for the support dad!" He smiled at me looking at me in the eye I am speechless only replying with a soft smile before he turned to the girls
"Armiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnn! We won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He hugged Armin which made my eyebrows twitch,Mikasa just fangirled behind them while Armin is oblivious.....Well good thing she's innocent.......
"So..who's up for an ice cream,pizza or cheese burger!"
I asked
"We're in!" They cheered
"Eren are you okay?"
"Yes dad never better!That ball is not harder than my head but I  admit I got a little dizzy back there!"
"Careful if things like that get serious in a game you're not playing anymore!"
I can see a little but of nervousness in his eyes
"Yes dad!I'll be more careful next time!"
I ruffled His head,guess he's really growing up.......
"Dad!let's go!!"
He called
I realized then that all I can do now is to support and guide him on that path he chose.........

Okay!that's family fluff I guess....
It's a little touching!heheheeh
But!I'll update soon so.....Yeager!

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