Dad and Hospital

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Eren's POV,
               Don't know what's the worst thing? Dad in a hospital?or dad being a clean freak despite being confined!!!!
Swear he won't even eat hospital food
Luckily a comvenience store is nearby and yea I have to put my lazy ass on work just to make sure he eats
That always comes with an argument though,Dad and his stubborness and him being a freaking workaholic will fry my  brains any second,Wonder how mom... Ujh...handles his hard headedness
And today Is another day of that
We've been arguing for minutes,Me trying to snatch the freaking laptop from his lap to make him take a break from work
"arggggghhhh!!!Daaaaaaaaad!please put laptop down I know you love work but please take a break you are in a hospital not your office!"
He just looked at me and sighed then he continued...
"C'mon dad you'll be out by two days can't you wait until that"
"No dad you listen to me,Put the laptop down stop work for now and rest!Do you even know how worried I was when I got a call from a nurse saying you got into am accident?"
"Fine you win!"
"Great!" I sighed in relief , I would not want to stay in this place for long,white walls and narrow corridors are suffocating,dad also hates this but of what he is doing he'll never get an end to this
"Now then dad, I'll retire for tonight it's already 11:30 and I don't want to look like I just got out of the morgue tomorrow at school!"
"Good night!"
"Good night"

Levi's POV,
                   Like he said he went lie at the makeshift bed on a couch in the corner of the room and in a minute or two he's knocked out sleeping like a baby
A smirk found it's way to my lips,he has her persistent nature, The same attitude I couldn't win to
I don't know but he's becoming more like her as he grows up
How I wish she could see this...
The moment I got onto an accident I tought I'd be seeing her soon but then my son's face flashed,luckily I escaped death with minor injuries only... And for that Iam thankful

The next day I woke up with the smell of black tea and pancakes though I don't know how the hell did those... Oh right Eren   I open my eyes to see him about to shove a piece of pancake in his mouth he looked at me and sheepishly smile
"morning dad! Got your  favorite black tea and I bought pancakes I'll be shoving this down my throat and I'll be going!!" he said still having that sheepish smile before shiving the pancake in his mouth snatching a cup of I don't know from the side table and then walk to the door
"bye dad!see you later and don't be hard headed!"  with that he went.Leaving me there with an amused look on my face that brat... Guess I just have to make trough this boring day,I started to drink the black tea when I noticed a picture of Petra on the table...Eren really knows what I need

Guysssssss! Sorry for late updates!!!!!  Im so sorry it almost took me months!!!!you all graduating and stuff anyways Ill yry to uodate soon enough!!!!

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