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I shut the door leaving a still shock Eren who's grinning stupidly from ear to ear
I bit my lip also having the same smile and bit of blush, I always have this crush on Eren since first year at first I thought it's weird because he's my childhood guy best friend but when now we're in our third year I realize It's actually more than a crush I actually like Eren and now he asked me in this dance I feel like I want to just fly
Oh my god my mom is going to be thrilled and I can see dad being in his protective daddy mode well screw it! I have two weeks to prepare and I'm getting freaking excited I skidded to my room Jumping on my bed and sang Love Story from the top of my lungs
"CAUSE WE WERE BOTH YOUNG WHEN I FIRST SAW YOUUUUUU!!! " I ended the song just in time for my mom to call me for dinner which means dad is also home
When I got down I kissed dad on the cheek for a welcome home before sitting down and Mom setting the food on the table
"so mind telling why you're so jumpy today?" mom asked me with one brow raised
"actually Eren asked me to be his date in our school's ball" I grinned
Dad literally dropped his fork
"oh sweet heart that's sweet" she exclaimed
"I'm gonna call and have a talk with Levi" dad said fishing his phone out of his pocket
I have the urge to roll my eyes
"DAD! really? "
"oh Erwin can't you just let this slide Eren doesn't need an earful from you you know? And besides it's the school dance where you also asked me to be your date years ago! " mom look at dad with an unamused look
"c'mon hon!" she looked at him with a warning look
"fine! " he said sulking mumbling about princess and growing up fast,geez sometimes I don't even know what's up with my dad
I'm in my room doing homework when my phone rang it's Marco
"hey! "
"so how did it go with Eren? "
"how did you? "
"Eren told us he's going to ask you"
"well... It was perfect"
"you said yes?"
"congratulations! " I laughed at his reply
"so how about you,Jean asked you yet? "
"why does every conversation have to involve that idiot?" I can sense frustration in his voice
"oh my!!! He still doesn't have the guts to ask you out!?he really is an idiot I wanna strangle him! "
"he has a girlfriend Armin!"
"he has what?that leech! "
"calm down Ar! It's fine besides I'm not going in that dance and I know I'll never had a chance with him,he's my bestfriend"
"oh c'mon! You have to go in that dance prove him that he'll lose a cutie like you if he still pretends to be a bendable ruler! "
He chuckled at that statement
"thanks Armin! "
"sure! "
"I'll put this call down I'm just checking on you guys! "
"bye Marco"
I put the phone down going to my laptop searching for beautiful gowns and dresses online I want a white dress,want my theme to be goddess and I need a gown that will make it look like that...I'm pretty excited this is my first dance and I got a date this needs to be special
I kept on scrolling down but no dress caught my interest, sewing my own will be a hassle for the ball's in two weeks so decision is made, Me,Mikasa,Sasha and Krista will be having a shopping spree on Friday, and of course it will be a surprise for our Dates Krista with Ymir,Mikasa with I dont know who,Sasha with Connie,like oh my god he has the guts! And me with Eren I'm on cloud 9!!! Getting tired of planning for the dance I closed my laptop and did my homework with a snicker bar and a pack of gummies and with my good mood I finished the work just in an hour now I can stream any anime or maybe a series my day is perfect!

As He grows Up (Snk fanfic) AUWhere stories live. Discover now