Screams and Phobias

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Levi's POV
It was late at night I shot up from my cozy sleep with a dry throat I groaned getting up and turn the lights on and went to the kitchen to drink a glass of water
I placed the glass at the counter
When he heard a loud voice
"Daddy??" It was Eren, he sighed as I was about to turn the light off every lights including the ones that can confuse an intruder turned off basically leaving the whole house perhaps the whole subdivision dark I sighed 'the electricity company were always idiots another short circuit' I went to the cupboard to get the emergency light I turned it on as if on cue a piercing scream echoed it was Eren's,alarmed I speed up stair to his room,I opened the door the room was of course pitch black,I looked around with the emergency light
"Eren!!" I called then my eye caught him by the cabinet
I rushed to him he was curled,his head on his knees
"Eren!" Scoop him up and place him on my lap,the emergency light is the only source of brightness I force his head up to look at me
My eyes widened,his face wase tear stained he has a fever and his eyes were blank
"Eren!Eren what's wrong!" I asked panicking
His body trembled with fear visible in his eyes
"D-daddy! I'm s-scared!" He said
He was crying and I noticed he's not breathing properly
"Eren!focus on me!you're my smart boy right?look at daddy Eren!Eren!" I tried to calm him but I was too late he passed out,he's not breathing well
I rushed for coats and my car keys as I carried Eren to my car
He's getting paler and he's breathing isn't getting better
I put him next to the driver seat and speed up
The nearest hospital was a ten minute drive but with my speed it will be just 5 minutes good thing there are no traffic lights and no other vehicle's at this hour
I pulled up in parking lot and carried my son to the ER
I was held back by nurses as some of them tend to Eren
I sat by a bench outside the ER fiddling with my fingers nervously,little tears watered my eyes, the last time I got this scared was the day before Petra died
The doctor's voice snapped me out of my thoughts!
"You can see him now,he's in a recovery room we'll talk there!"
He led me to a room
'How the heck did they bring them here without me noticing?' I thought but shook it off
He opened the door as I follow inside seeing my son so fragile pains me
I ran to his side sitting on the chair beside his bed,he's still unconscious with an oxygen mask covering his mouth and nose
I brush the hair away from his forehead
"So how is he?and what's wrong with him?" I asked the doctor,my cold personality in my voice again
"Before I tell you can you please tell what happened before this?"
He asked calmly,I sighed
"There was a blackout in our subdivision and I guess he got scared because it's so dark but I don't understand why he became like that!" He said
"The doctor jot down notes in his clip board and and turned to me
" Mr. Ackerman base from what you said, our diagnostic was right,your son is claustrophobic so its best that you keep him from dark and enclose places but his fine now and we just have to observe him then he is to be discharged tomorrow,I'll be going you can now rest!" He said
And then left,I sighed and kissed Eren's forehead,this will be a long night

Sorry if its..... Tooooooo Looooong but.....Just to make up for that late update!!!soooooo.....

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