2 years After

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Levi's POV
As planned me and Eren moved abroad for my 'mission' in business,it is to manage the branch there until it goes up in sales...2 years passed everything's settled were going home,Eren is already six years old when we came back we were at the airport and of course Eren being a sleepy head brat plopped on the huge suitcase and fell asleep(like on the media) I just let him sleep
A 13 hour flight sure is tiring,
I was waiting for a taxi when
"Hey Levi!over here!"
It was Erwin leaning by the car door waving his hand on the back seat I could see a silhouette of a woman and a child by Eren's age
"Eyebrows longtime no see!" I said still in a cold tone
" with that nick name again seriously Levi? Anyways put that suit case in the trunk and let's go..."
Even though I don't want to I don't have a choice I am so tired to argue
I picked Eren up as Erwin helped me stuff the suitcase in the trunk
I opened the door of the back seat and plop Eren beside a girl( AN:I kinda gender bended Armin here he he,since Mikasa will turn out to be Eren's cousin,like hello in this story he is an Ackerman and Hello Mikasa is an Ackerman so kinda weird if they uhhhh yknow..)His age and of course shitty glasses, yep you guessed right Shitty Glasses and Eyebrows are Married and the child I  mentioned is theirs
"Heya Levi!!! How's life abroad and this cute little Eren here
" shut up Hanji!" I said closing the back seat door and headed to the shotgun seat,Erwin already on the driver seat started the car and before I knew it I was having a conversation with them
"So how's little Eren catching up?" Hanji asked
"Fine,his a little bit hotheaded and a trouble maker but he's on top of the class,how about your little girl over there,Hey little girl what's your name again?" I asked she seemed a little shy but answered nonetheless
"Armin sir!strange name for a girl I know but at least its unique!" She smiled
"Got a little genius over there!" I gestured to Erwin
"I guess,my little girl is bookish that it makes you wonder if she's just six!"Erwin laughed
" daddy! You meanie!" The child pouted leaning on her mother like seeking for support
"Awww!that just means you are like mommy sweetheart!" Hanji patted her head......
Minutes after Eren scrambled,his eyes fluttering open as he sat up straight...he rubbed his eyes that wondered for a moment before
"Gyahh! " he moved a little away from Hanji
"Auntie Hanji?longtime no see!" He said  rubbing his green orbs
"Eren!sleep well?oooooh how's flight?" Hanji asked grinning widely at my son
"Tiring......ohhhh,hello!" He looked at the little girl beside Hanji
"H-hi!" She said shyly as Hanji giggled
"Now Armin sweetheart,don't be shy Eren's just your age!you can be playmates!" She assured looking at Eren who just nodded then back to her daughter
"I-I'm Armin nice meeting you!" She extended her hand which my son shook Happily introducing himself
"I'm Eren!nice meeting you Min Min!"
"It's Armin not Min min!" She pouted
"But Armin is so long!! I'm lazy so Min min!"
"Hmph fine!" The girl huffed
I smiled at their antics,well at least he got his first friend here
"Dad I'm hungry!" He said leaning on the back of the shotgun seat
"Oh hungry?well I know a restaurant just by this road,Hanji Armin!let's get some Grub?" Erwin suddenly speak
"Fine with us!" Hanji replied
"So Eren?" I asked since I'm hungry myself
"OF COURSE DADDY!FOOD WILL NEVER BETRAY YOU!" he laughed going back to his seat
I chuckled along with our companion ,
My son really has his own mind to work on........

Well at least going back isn't that hard to keep up!!!!

Sooooooo!!!!!?sooorry for the update that is late it's just that I... Am busy with our career assessment examination that keeps repeating in my head giving me mental blocks but....I'll update soon...again...sooooo Yeager!!!!

As He grows Up (Snk fanfic) AUWhere stories live. Discover now