Let's talk about it

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AN:were still in Levi's POV
As expected having children in your house is messy,
After they played video games and some stuff Erwin picked up Armin they say their good byes and of course they can't escape cleaning
"Now,If I see one spec of dirt their you both are grounded!" I sternly said,they scrambled To get cleaning supplies and for a half an hour they finished
"Dinner" s ready!"
"Finallyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" Eren whined
"Yes;Finally!"Mikasa sighed
The meal was silent and the time flies so fast
Now I just put Mikasa to sleep and then Eren but to no avail he's still wide awake
I sighed,taking the opportunity to talk to him
he turned to his side to face me and looked straight to my eyes
" dad I know you want to talk to me!"he said frankly for a six year old
"You really can see through me huh?"
"Yep!" I shrugged
"Well....you seem to be fond of Armin!"
He blushed
"W-well!!I....I guess I have a little crush on her!" He smiled at me awkwardly
"Eren listen here bud! Having a little crush isn't bad but I guess it'll better if you two stayed friends for now!your too young for that kind of thing.....When you grow up,that stage will come okay?"
"Yes daddy!besides I heard auntie Hanji said once that crush is a little inspiration right!!"
"Sometimes you really need not to listen to her but yes it can be!still Eren mind what I said!"
"Of course!" He said before yawning
"Go to sleep young man!" I said planting a kiss on his forehead
"G'night dad!" He said as I hummed for a reply
He quickly drift to sleep
Sure that the lamp at their side table is on I went to my room taking a shower then slip on a pair of sweat pants before going to bed
I turned to my side table looking at Petra's picture
"Hey Love!you know I'm like raising a twin,Mika is a little bit like me and Eren is like you!  I really wish you are here!then we can both look after them....Well please look after us where ever you are!Good night love!"
I fell asleep seconds later

Okay!!!!so for the next chappy!
Will be 3 years after!
Sooooo!see ya next chappy!!!!!

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