driving skills

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"I love you" he said.

I set there and stared into his blue orbs trying to see if he meant it. When he looked at me I seen love in his eyes and then he gets up and goes to the balcony and stands on the edge and yells " I love willow carter" I smile and he gets up and walks over to me and says did I make it clear. I move in next to him and whisper I love you too.

Courtney rushed in and says wanna go four wheeler riding? Matt says he's gonna stay here. I agree and slip on some shoes.

We get out side and Courtney drives. We are just cruising around in the field behind her house. I made a joke about a movie and she turns and smiles at me. The smile was sweet but she wasn't paying attention and lost control of the steering wheel and we started rolling.  I open my eyes and blink a few times I try to get up but I can't move my legs. I look over and see courtney bleeding. I grab my phone and call an ambulance. I close my eyes in hope to make the pain go away.

I hear the ambulance and I feel myself being lifted onto the gurny and into the truck.

I wake up hooked to monitors.
I try to set up but It hurts. I freak out and my heart starts to beat rapidly. The machines starts going off and a nurse comes in. I ask where Courtney is and she says she's next door and she's awake and okay a few stitcges in her forehead and a few bruises. I nod and she says for you, you have 3 broken ribs you have stitches in 3 places in your legs. I nod and then I see Matt come in. He looks at me and he looks so scared. He comes over to me and the nurse leaves to give us privacy. He grabs my hand and says what happened? I said Courtney lost control of the steering wheel. He says you scared me, I thought you might not wake up!  I looked at him and said I'm still here. The nurse comes back in and say she's moving me ing a room with Courtney. I get in there and she looks at me and smiles. She says I have such good driving skills. I start to laugh until I feel a sharp pain shooting in my stomach. I lift up my shirt and my ribcage is purple. Matt walks in and sees my ribs and freaks out. He calls in a nurse and she tells him that there supposed to look like that. He calms down and asks me if it hurts? I just nod and he very gently climbs in bed next to me and I fall asleep.

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