Chapter 1: Uncle Daryl and a Toy Store

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The sun was hiding behind the gray winter clouds, a few dots of soft frozen flakes fell from the sky at a slow steady pace, the air smelled of burning wood. It was peaceful here in Taymond, Nebraska.

As I took another sip of my pleasantly warm coffee, I gazed out of my window, looking down at the small street in front of my house. Younger kids of the neighborhood were playing in the snow. A young girl and her brother built a snowman, and were currently topping him off with a black, worn-out top hat. The neighborhood boys were participating in an intense snowball fight while the girls made snow angels on the side.

I was going to miss this place.

As my mug came in contact with my lips, my mind began to wonder what life was going to be like in Britain.

My parents had decided that it was time for me to move out. "You're 23, it's time," they had announced. "We're sending you over to live with your uncle Daryl in Yorkshire. He's going to help you out financially." I didn't quite understand why they were throwing in the extra effort of sending me to a whole different country. "Uncle Daryl wanted you to consider making your home near him. He's getting old and he doesn't have any children to take care of him. He thinks of you as his own daughter."

"So you're sending me to Britain to take care of my old uncle and to buy a house over there?" I had questioned. The whole idea sounded asinine.

I shook my head slightly in memory of that conversation. Their sense was strongly lacking that day, but I did feel slightly responsible for taking care of Uncle Daryl. He was getting old. Plus, he was the one who flew over after my first heartbreak just to make sure I was okay.

He was a sweet guy.

Setting my coffee down on the window sill, I turned to the Grandfather Clock that was standing on the opposite wall. The elegant hands told me there was only three hours until I had to leave, for only God knows how long.

My things were all packed. It's not like I was in a rush; I lived five minutes away from the airport. But, I couldn't help but get ready early. Just sitting in the upstairs library watching my life flash before my eyes wasn't helping me in any way. If anything, it was hurting me. My heart ached the entire time I was getting ready. Just knowing that I was going to be leaving this place behind tugged stray tears to my eyes.

I had so many memories in this house. This is where I had spent most of my life. I remembered the days when my brother and I would camp out in the living room or the library in little tents because mom and dad wouldn't let us out in the backyard by ourselves. I remembered the first time my sister and I had gone through mom's makeup drawer... The memories all seemed so far away now, but at the same time, they felt like they had happened just yesterday.

A single tear finally escaped its small prison and rolled down my cheek, inviting others to follow suit.

"Look at me," I whispered. "... crying like a baby..." I smiled before wiping away my tears with the back of my hand. My eyes wondered to the body length mirror to admire the strong bodied woman in the reflection. "... You're not a baby anymore, Andy." Smiling one last time at the reflection, I grabbed my suitcase by the handle, picked up my purse, and slowly walked out of the front door, taking in every detail of the house as I left.


As the plane began it's decent to unexplored lands, I stirred awake, nearly scaring the nice elderly lady to my right. My first instinct was to check the time, which was stupid because I hadn't yet changed the time zone accordingly.

Standing in the airport, I dialed my Uncle Daryl. He said he was waiting for me just a few feet away. As the call went on and on, I wondered around the extensive room, trying to find the crazy old man. Finally, I found him sitting on a chair that was part of a group of chairs, all of which were empty.

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