(the real) Chapter 51: The Past

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"You're certain that she's fine? We don't need to call a nurse or something?" I asked for the millionth time.

Andy shook her precious head with a light chuckle. "I swear she does this all of the time,"

I sat back in my chair and ran a hand through my hair. I really needed a hair cut. "If your sister knew so much about me, how did you not know who I was when we first met?"

She shrugged. "I thought you looked familiar, to be honest. I just couldn't quite put my finger on it,"

I nodded.

"Not to be disrespectful, but why won't you allow me to marry your daughter?" I asked in the most polite tone I could muster.

"You're a teenage boy," her father defended.

"I'm twenty-three, sir," I smiled. "And so is Andy,"

"Andrea! What did I tell you about giving your birthday out to strangers?" he snapped.

"He's not a stranger and that's a weird rule," she shot back.

I let out a laugh. I was no where as nervous as I had been just a few minutes before. In fact, I felt more relaxed than I have all week.

"What can I do to win your blessing?" I asked as I leaned forward in my chair.

Her father absentmindedly swung his foot back and forth in thought. "Sports," he announced.

"Sports?" I questioned, my mouth drawing a flat line.

"Do you play any sports?"

"Football," I replied cheerily.

"Soccer," Andy corrected. I always forget that they call it "soccer" in America.

"You had my hopes up for a second," he exhaled.

"Soccer players always have nice butts, though," her mother nudged her with a giggle. I couldn't help but blush a bit. She thought I had a nice ass.

I sat silently as I awaited her father, Tom, to give me a straight answer.

"Are you a virgin?" he asked darkly.

"Dad!" Andy squealed.

"Answer the question!" he demanded as his wife pushed him lightly to the side.

"Never mind him," Andy's mom interjected. "He's going to waste our time with stupid questions."

I let out a laugh at her straightforwardness.

Her short tan figure took a few steps towards me and sat on the sofa just two feet away. After resting her purse on the tile floor in front of her, she asked, "Why do you want to marry Andy?"

"I love her," I blurted immediately.

"Loving someone and wanting to be with someone forever are two different things." she told me with her lips turned up into a serious smile.

"I want to be both," I told her as I reached for Andy's non-broken hand.

Her brown eyes that matched Andy's traced her daughter's shattered body and carefully asked, "Now, how again did this happen?"

I looked down at my feet in embarrassment. "I was my fault."

"See!?" her dad shouted from across the bed. "That's why I'm not letting him marry her!"

"Oh shut up," Johannah rolled her eyes.

"Well," I began. "We were fighting, thanks to my jealous personality, and I was driving, and then there were some ducks so I slammed on brakes, and so she thought I was mad at her so she got out of the car, and then we fought some more, and then she screamed at me, and then she took off around the corner of a building, and I didn't want to scream at her so I stayed next to the car, and then just a few minutes later I got a call from Harry--,"

"HARRY STYLES?" Claire popped back up and spouted out a few things about his Wikipedia page and then passed out again after declaring her love for him.

"So, I got a call from Harry," I continued. "And he told me that Andy had been hit by a car and that she was being taken to the hospital... and then a whole bunch of drama happened and here we are." I finalized.

"Sounds like quite the time," she muttered into her palm.

"He has a mullet, Johannah!" her father added on to the list of reasons why I shouldn't marry his daughter.

I snapped back to back him with a scowl and said, "I've been in here spending my time with Andy while she heals. I needed to get a haircut before all of this happened and I haven't exactly had the time his past week."

"Do you even have a job to pay for the haircut?" he muttered as he crossed his arms like a child.

I sighed. "I quit my job due to the fact that my ex-boss bad-mouthed Andy,"

"You quit?" Andy gasped. "When?"

"You were knocked out cold for a few hours and Harry recommmended that I go tell her what had been happening." I replied sheepishly.

"Oh my God," she breathed.

After a few hours of talking and answering questions, Claire was sitting up again but she was still hanging close to me (too close). I had taken Andy's hand in mine, rubbing circles with my thumb on the back of her hand as I spoke and shot Tom a few smiles just to mess with him.

That's right, I thought. I'm touching your daughter right in front of you.

The more and more I rubbed the back of her hand, the more and more my mind wondered at how long it would take for her injuries to heal so we could... never mind, actually. I was worried about how long it would take for her to heal. That's it. Nothing else.

But her skin was so smooth and soft under my fingertips...

Get your mind out of the gutter, Tomlinson. I told myself.

Just as I was about to fade into a dirty-er thought, Harry and Ray walked through the door.

"HARRYYYYY STYLESSSSS!" Claire hissed/screamed.

I held my hand to my ear and winced at the high pitch.

She jumped up, letting her phone fall to the floor again, and jumped right on an unsuspecting Harry. After this, I don't think I will have to beat him up.


"GET OFF MY MAN, LITTLE GIRL!" Ray shouted as she gripped Claire by the waist and ripped her off of Harry's torso.

I felt like if Claire was an animal, she would be foaming at the mouth in this moment in time.

She thrashed against Ray's hold on her, and Ray had to drop her. She landed with a gasp and jumped right back up, unaffected, and began kissing Harry's cheeks like a mad-woman.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Who are you?" Harry asked in a terrified tone as he desperately tried to rip the excited girl's body off of his.

"That's Claire," Andy announced with a smile, like this was perfectly normal. "My sister,"

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