Chapter 49: Idiots in Love

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I can't believe this.

Louis was cheating on Andy?

My instincts kicked in before my brain could truly process what I had seen and ran. I wanted to erase this image out of my mind forever. I felt guilty just witnessing a glance.

How the hell is Louis feeling right now? What is he thinking?

And poor Niall, he'll be heartbroken when he hears this. I can't tell him though... I don't have the right nor the guts to.

But what kind of friend would I be if I didn't?

I raked my scalp stressfully as I paced in a circle around the cafeteria.

I could tell someone--or I coudn't-it was that easy, and yet it was so hard.

"What do I do, what do I do, what do I do," I repeated softly.


Louis nor Aurora know I saw... and the others don't know anything about it... Should I just keep it to myself? Just not tell anyone?

But can I do that to Andy and Niall?

Maybe it was a one time thing. Maybe it didn't even matter. Maybe-you know what?

It's not my problem.

It's their lives; not mine. They can do what they want. I'm not their father.

With a looming sense of guilt, I bought Andrea a pudding cup and went back to the room, since it didn't seem like the other two would be back for a while. I slowly entered the room and Andy immediately asked,

"Where are they?"

I struggled to keep in a sigh and replied, "I don't know," I hated lying.

"Have you tried calling them?" she asked with a light smile.

I shook my head as I handed her the pudding. "My phone died last night,"

Niall was sleeping on the guest sofa along Zayn and Perrie's laps and they seemed like they were about to take a nap as well.

"Hey Zayn," He jumped slightly at the sudden volume. "Can I use your phone?"

He dug in his pocket and brought out a black iPhone5 and handed it to me.


I searched through his contacts and eventually found Louis's number. The phone rang for about ten seconds.


"It's Liam," I greeted. "Um, where are you guys? You should have been back by now," my voice came out smooth and even.

Louis paused for a second. "We were just... heading home because... we weren't feeling well," he lied.

"Oh, what's wrong?" I was trying to get the truth out of him somehow and for some reason playing dumb was a good tactic.

"I have this terrible... headache and Aurora had a stomach ache and we just need to go home and rest."

"What about Andy?" I asked firmly. He knew I was talking about the real situation now. Not how she was going to be in the hospital without him, but rather how she would feel about all of this.

"Andy..." he repeated. I could almost see him standing there on the phone with Aurora on his arm with sad blue eyes. "Um.. Tell her that I'll see her sometime tomorrow,"

"Should I tell her anything else?"

"... That's all," he paused. "Bye Liam,"

Before I could even say goodbye he hung up.

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