Chapter 5: Just the Beginning of a True Adventure

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He walked in with a blue beanie, a blue t-shirt, and his winter coat resting on his arm. All of his movements seemed to go in slow motion as he walked over to where Harry, my uncle, and I were standing. He awkwardly ran a hand through his hair, fixing the quiff that was beginning to droop.

"Hey, Lou," Harry welcomed as he slowly walked back behind the counter. The curly haired boy sat silently on his stool and observed everyone else in the room, smugly, with a curious smile playing on his lips.

Uncle decided it was time for him to check out the action section again. He quickly and quietly made his way back to the row that now seemed like it was miles away. Suddenly, it felt like I was left alone, isolated on a freezing mountain with a guy I didn't even know.

How was I going to explain that I was searching the city for him aimlessly with my elderly uncle because I was too afraid to simply call with out sounding like a serious stalker? Oh, that's right... I can't.

"Um," I shifted uncomfortably. "Hi,"

"Hi." he said with a sarcastic smile. "Now, do you care to explain why you were looking for me when I left you my number in the grocery store?" He eyed me carefully, waiting for me to speak up.

"Um, well you see..." I mumbled, uncertainty taking over. He nodded, letting me continue. "I was afra-,"

"I don't care why, to be honest. I'm just happy that you tried to get in contact with me." He smiled mischievously and crossed his arms across his chest.

"So you got ready in that short amount of time and ran over here?" I asked, stunned.

"No," Louis responded smoothly. "I was out doing some errands and I just so happened to be in the area."

Harry let out a sudden laugh, covering his mouth when we turned to look at him. He uncovered his mouth and blurted at Louis, "That's a pile of bull!"

Louis shot him a look that said "I'm-so-done-with-you."

I looked back and forth between the laughing guy behind the counter and the guy with a quiff standing before me. "What's a pile of bull?" I asked.

Louis' features fell with a hint of embarrassment as Harry explained, "He was at home doing nothing when I called him. When I said a girl was here looking for him he got off the phone and started getting ready as fast as he could!" Harry began having a laughing fit again and had to hold his stomach.

"Mate!" Louis shouted at Harry. In responce, Harry laughed harder.

"So you got ready and came over here as fast as you could... just so you could talk to me?" I asked slowly and carefully.

Harry started cackling and slowly slid off his stool to the floor, still laughing hysterically.

Louis rolled his eyes at Harry, who was currently rolling back and forth behind the counter, tears falling from his eyes. "I may or may not have done the things I was just accused of." he said smugly.

A smirk broke out on my lips.

"Well, I didn't have your number...and you never," I laughed at his flustered state.

Uncle Daryl came back into the spotlight and asked, "Now that we've found you, would you like to take Andy out to get frozen yogurt or something? Get her number? Go somewhere and chat? Set plans for another day?"

I blushed. "Uncle!"

He shrugged with a sly expression.

"Sounds like a good plan to me," Louis smiled at me, blocking out everything else that was going on around us. For a just moment, it felt like Uncle wasn't standing a few feet away and I almost couldn't hear Harry laughing. It was just Louis and I, stuck in this moment in time.


Short short short so very short...

I'm sorrrryyyy... you know how it issss.... I have all that stupid homework and tests coming up and AH so here you goooo~~~

Random fact that you may wish you never heard: Louis is not circumcised :)

another fact: Louis has a very nice bum~ :D butt you knew thaaaaaaaat


Hope you have a lovely day (or night, depending on when you're reading this) :)

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