Chapter 16: A Phone Call

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Louis' POV:


Fucking Nandos.

Our first real dinner date and it was going to be at Nandos with two idiots.


We had all packed into out designated cars and headed off to Nandos at Andy's request. I was leading the way in our expedition even though Niall probably knew the way like the back of his hand.

I rolled my eyes at the thought and concentrated on the road in front of us.

"Louis," Andy said as I made a left turn. I hummed in response. "Are you... angry at me?"

I shot her a quick glance and said, "No, not at all." I paused. What gave you that idea?"

She fiddled around with the visor above her head and let out a sigh. "You seem stressed... or annoyed," she admitted with a shrug.

I let out a dry chuckle. "Well, I'm not upset at you. If anything, I'm upset at Niall for trying to kidnap you."

"Well, it was for Nandos." She joked with a sarcastic tone.

I forced a fake laugh. On any normal occasion, I would have joked back with a sassy comment, but after what Niall had almost done, I just wasn't fully recovered. If anyone should have been recovering, though, it should be Andrea. Why did I have to get so worked up about it?

The worst thing was that Niall didn't seem.... right.

Andy snapped me out of my thoughts as she pointed to an open parking space by the entrance.

We were here already?

Well, I hope I didn't kill anyone, because I don't remember anything.

I parked the car in the space and helped Andy out and to the door. Harry and Niall followed closely behind.

After walking in, we got a table near a window overlooking the busy street and a few minutes later we all had our food. Niall and Harry sat opposite to Andy and I as we ate.

Andy watched intently as Niall breathed in his food along with Harry. I let out a light laugh.

Everything was fine until Andy got a call on her phone.

Her eyes glanced down at the number and then excused herself from the table to answer. She looked worried.

"It's everything okay?" I asked before she walked off. She slide the answer bar and set me a vague nod.

I sat uncomfortably in my seat and poked a piece of chicken that was resting on my plate. Niall must have noticed since he asked without a moment's hesitation, "You gonna eat that?" I just slid the plate towards him silently and watched him swallow it practically whole.

Andy came back after a few minutes.

Her hair was covering her face and her shoulders were down.

One thing was for sure; something was not okay.

I placed my hand softly on her upper back.

"Is everything okay? What's wrong?"

"I want to go home."

Her answer left me speechless for a moment. 

Something was definitely not right.

I threw down 50 pounds on the table in front of Harry and cocked my head at Andy. He nodded in understanding.

Andy grabbed my sleeve with one hand and wrapped her torso with the other, hugging herself. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder protectively and led the way out to the car.

As soon as we sat down, I turned to her with a serious expression and said, "Tell me,"

She sniffled. "I... can't right now..."

"Tell me," I urged again.

She shook her head and sniffled again.

I did as she wanted and took her home.

I parked the car out in the front like usual and turned to face her again.

Her face was red and puffy, her eyes were straining and watery, she was sniffling like crazy, and she was leaned forward gripping her stomach. My hand instinctively went for her hair, pulling it out of the way.

"Andy," I whispered. "What..."

"Un..." she mumbled. "Unc..." Her frame doubled over and she let out a wail like a dog in pain. My body jumped forward and awkwardly hugged her over the center counsel. I rubbed firm circles in her shaking back as she sobbed.

"He got worse... didn't he?" I whispered.

She sniffled and looked up to face me. Her brown eyes were now redder and more watery than before as she spoke.

"He... Died..." 

Another couple of tears rolled down her red cheeks and onto my shirt. 

"Cry." I said.

"What?" she questioned.

"If you need to cry, I'm here to wipe your eyes." I then had the audacity to lean in and wipe a thumb across her cheek and kiss her.

And hell did I kiss her.

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