Chapter 42: Anger, Love, and Parents

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I bet you weren't expecting a chapter today :D SURPRISE BITCHES



I quit my job over her and she doesn't even remember me. I want to be pissed, and I am somewhere deep inside, but I couldn't show it even if I tried. I am, after all, the reason she was hurt and lost her memory in the first place.

"You're my boyfriend, aren't you?" I heard Andy say. That was funny, I wasn't near her right now. Was she talking to me?

I looked up, only to see Harry standing over her, his eyebrows drawn together with his lips curved down. He shook his head. "No, I'm not, Andrea."

"But I remember us kissing and stuff..." she explained.

My heartbeat grew to an unhealthy speed and the room around me froze in time. Everything but Harry blurred out into the background and my muscles tensed.

"That's because we did," he began, only to be cut off by my fist connecting with his ribs on the right side. He let out a sharp breath and leaned to the right, trying to collect himself.

Everyone else in the room gasped and shuffled away. Niall and Liam tried to restrain me and Zayn held back Harry.

"FUCK YOU MATE!" I shouted at the curly haired boy in front of me.

He didn't say anything.


"Calm the fuck down, mate." Liam demanded in a deep growl.

I decided that I would save my anger, let it grow and fester inside of me until it was boiling over at a better time where I could beat the shit out of him. I promise, I will beat the shit out of him.

Once I stopped trying to squirm out of their grasp they let me go, keeping a sharp eye on all of my movements. I let out a puff of air, trying to cool down. Harry avoided eye contact and I stalked back to my pity corner.

It wasn't until Andrea let out a muffled sniffle did I realize I made her feel bad. Even after I found out she had been cheating on me, I couldn't feel one ounce of hate or remorse towards her. I was in that deep.

I couldn't speak to her right now. It would only end badly. She would fear me more than she does already, after seeing me punch one of my best friends in the ribs blindly in a rage.

Why hadn't he told me? How long had this been going on? Had they been lying to me?

I let my head drop. I was so done with today, and tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that.... Done.


He punched me.

It had never occurred to me how strong Louis was when it came to his arms. He had large biceps, but I didn't know they had any real power stored in them; I thought it was all for looks. I feared what his football-toned legs would do to me once we left this hospital.

But, damn, my ribs really hurt. I might have a matching fracture with Andy; it sure feels like I was hit by a damn truck.

As if on cue, the doctor walked in to check up on Andy's vitals.

I could tell he could sense the tension in the atmosphere, he sent glances around the room uncomfortably.

"So Ms. Mays," he greeted. "How are you feeling--are you crying?" he asked. "Are the pain medications not strong enough? Where do you hurt?"

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