Chapter 40: Still Have A Chance

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The one thing that repeated in my brain was the fact that she remembered me. Not Louis. Me.

Did it mean that she had stronger feelings for me? Or was her background with Louis just nocked out of her precious head?

Don't get hopeful Harry, I told myself.

I knew for a fact that Louis was going to sweep her off her feet once again, pulling her out of my reach. I just wish that I had swept her off her feet the first time she stepped foot in Elizabeth's Book Cache.

Letting out a sigh, I placed my hand on the double doors and looked out of the small square out into the waiting room. The same people were still sitting there. Some had whipped out a phone or an iPad to occupy their time. I let my hand slide away from the doors and fall back to my side.

Should I wait for my own alone time with Andy? I asked myself.

Nodding to myself, I walked back to the outside of her tiny holding cell and leaned against the wall, listening intently at what they were talking about.

"....How do I know you?......" I pressed closer to the door. "It's a long story...."

He hadn't dropped the bomb on her yet. She didn't know. I still had a chance.

With this new found confidence in the situation, I stepped back in the room with a small smile.

"Is she back under?" I asked Louis, who had redder eyes than before.

"Yeah," he exhaled, running a hand through his long hair.

"Out of curiousity, when was the last time you showed up for work?" I asked from the doorframe.

He let his gaze drop to the floor in thought. "About a week ago,"

"You might want to go back, I think you're running out of sick days."

He nodded. "I'll go home and take a shower and go to work. I have some serious explaining to do..." He sighed, pulling himself away from the battered girl. He squeezed her hand gently, making a spark of jealousy ignite inside of me. "Goodbye, Andy," he muttered to her sleeping figure.

I felt kind of guilty that I would be the first person she was going to lay her eyes on once she's brought out of her sleeping trance from the numbing agents.... but then again... I didn't feel the least bit guilty. I was a swirl of uncontrollable emotions. I wanted to be there for my best friend, but my heart was getting in the way of that.

But all in all, I knew I was somehow going to be there for the both of them, and right now, Andy needed me.

Just as I had gotten lost in my thoughts again, the doctor came in. He was wearing blue scrubs underneath a white lab coat, but he wore a friendly, assuring smile.

"We have to take her back now, it's time." he announced as he began unlocking her bed's wheels.

"Take good care of her."

"I will." he assured me as he, and two other nurses, pulled her out of the room.


It had been at least thirty minutes since I had left the hospital. I had taken a cold shower, trying to wash away the undying guilt that I held knowing that it was my fault Andy was hurt. And currently, I was standing in my bosses's tiny square office. She had managed to create an illusion so that the room seemed to be at least three square inches larger than it really was with various gallons of white paint and large pictures on the back wall behind her desk.

She spun around in her oversized chair (she was somewhere around four feet tall and the chair was made for a seven foot man) and faced me with a scowl.

"Where the hell have you been?" she asked immediately.

I rubbed my sweaty hands on the sides of my jeans. "I'm sorry, I-,"

"'Sorry' doesn't make me money." she snapped.

I nodded. "It's just that I was having.... girl problems and she-,"

"You're telling me that you have a little girlfriend and that's why you haven't been showing up for work?" She stood up from her swivel chair and slammed her tiny fat hands down onto her desk with a dry slap. "Didn't it ever occur to you that you should stop having sex for a long enough time to come to work? Then you could buy her all the little sex toys she would need for when you weren't around-,"

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up." I growled.

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah, excuse you." I said, my voice becoming louder as I crossed my arms. "My girlfriend was hit by a fucking truck and she's in the hospital right now and I left her side so I could tell you in motherfucking person why I hadn't been showing up to work." I was yelling in her face by now. "So why don't you take all of your shitty remarks and shove it up your ass, along with my sick days and paycheck--I fucking quit."

She stood there flabbergasted trying to find words to reply to the sass I had just given her. She wasn't use to me growing a backbone.

"You can't just quit like that--it's required by law that you give me a week's notice--,"

"Well, maybe you should have thought about that before you yelled in my face and called my girlfriend a sex crazed whore," I pulled away from the desk and stalked out of the room, slamming the door behind me as I went.

I could survive on tour profit... right?


I wasn't sure what to think when I got a call from Louis and a text from Harry saying that Andy was hit by a car. After all, it wasn't something you hear about everyday.

Louis had asked me to deliver the news to Niall, so I was currently trying to explain to the tipsy lad that Andy was hurt.

"She was hit by a car, Niall." I clarified.

"I know, I was there when Louis got the call from Harry... but how does a car hurt someone? I mean how can it hit someone? They don't have arms!" he slurred.

I shook my head. "Niall, call me tomorrow when you're sober. I'll explain again tomorrow."

"Ta'marrah?" he questioned with a thicker accent than before. "Al'ighty, I'll tal' ta ya latah'."

He hung up and immediately I got a call from Zayn.

"Hey," I greeted.

"Hey, Liam," he said quickly. "Did you hear that Andy's in the hospital?"

"Yeah, hit by a truck."

"How did that even happen? She seems like the kind of girl who would look both ways before crossing."

"Yeah, I know... Louis didn't tell me." I explained. "Are you going up to the hospital today?" I asked.

"Perrie and I are planning to go tomorrow, that way we can talk to her a little bit."

"Smart. I may do the same thing." I began to chew on my thumb. "Maybe it's best if we give Lou and Harry their time with her. We can bring the whole fam with us tomorrow."

"Sounds good to me." He let out a sigh. "I just hope she's okay."

"Me too, Zayn. Me too."



well, anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and hopefully it wasn't all that stressful~

have a nice day :D

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