Chapter 43: Friend

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I actually had a fractured rib. One punch really gave me a fractured rib. How broken am I going to be after Louis gets his hold on me?

I shivered at the thought, but my nurse, Ray, thought I was shivering under her touch.

"Look," she began. "It's my job to friggin touch your chest. I'm supposed to see if you're breathing regularly, goodness I'm not interested,"

"For the last time; I don't like you that way!" I said through gritted teeth.

"You sound like a kid who's denying a crush, Curly." she snickered as she drew small lines in blue marker along my rib. She hit a sensitive spot with the marker tip and my breathing hitched. "Goodness, I just have to touch you and I get a reaction."

"You stabbed the place where I got punched, of course I'm going to react!" I snapped.

"Whatever you say, Green Eyes," She continued to draw a blue line across my rib and asked, "So how did you manage to get punched in the rib hard enough to break a bone?"

"None of your business," I mumbled. I didn't like this nurse. She was getting on my nerves.

"It is my business; you're my patient." she argued.

I sighed. "I was trying to steal my best friend's girlfriend.... Some friend I am...."

"Oh my God, what is he going to do when you get out of here?" she asked in a high pitched posh girl voice, like she was getting fresh gossip.

"Then he's gonna kick my ass..." I groaned.

"At least he doesn't play football." she said as she pulled away to write something down.

"He does."

"Oh. Shit." She looked up from her writings and added, "You're gonna die."

I groaned again.

"Well, on another note," she said, interrupting my self pity. "You go in for surgery in about an hour or so, so call who ever you want if you want them to see you before you go under."

"Alright," I nodded. My eyes traveled over to Ray and just looked at her for a second. I didn't hate her as much anymore.

"Stop staring at me, goodness!" she demanded. "What's with you shooting off flirtatious signals, huh?"

"I'm. Not. Interested."

Well, that little bit of hate that had disappeared was now back in place. Now all I had to do was call my friends... that is, if they still want to talk to me.


"So, tell me again how you're not screaming in pain?" I asked.

"It's very small."

"But still,"

"Are you guys gonna come see me before I go under or...."

I sighed. "Fine. You're a total douche for doing all of this but I'll go because I'm your friend."

"Please tell Louis I'm sorry," he begged.

I shrugged. "Alright," I leaned away from the phone and shouted over to Louis, "Harry says he's sorry."

"Tell him to go fuck himself with his broken rib." he replied.

I passed along the message and Harry sighed. "I'm not getting out of this easily, am I?"

"Sorry, lad. Looks like you're gonna be stuck there for a while."

"I'm really sorry," he repeated.

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