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Yoongi had told himself he wouldn't return, not after the embarrassment he had caused last time.

But he found himself scanning the aisles, searching for something.


Is he here? Yoongi had been alarmed when he walked by the puppy pen and didn't see his favourite. His immediate impulse was to find Jimin, to ask him.

Why Jimin, and not another worker, he wasn't sure. Perhaps because Jimin would know what he wanted without needing an explanation. Hopefully.

"Oh, you're here?"

Shit, Yoongi turned around, seeing the cherub faced Jimin smiling at him.

"Is the.... is he gone?"

A chuckle, of course he wanted to know about the puppy. "He's in the back, sleeping. We switch the puppies out every few days so they don't get overwhelmed or stressed out."

"Oh," Yoongi was relieved, and disappointed.

"I," no, don't do it, "I could take you back," it was against the rules, he could get fired if they were caught, "if you wanted."

But Jimin thought that seeing Yoongi, just a little longer, might be worth getting fired.

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