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Jimin did his best not to look annoyed, as he turned around to answer Hoseok.

He liked the boy enough, but he was so loud, and Jimin was constantly embarrassed by all the attention he was gaining from this.

Hoseok lay an arm around Jimin's shoulder, and he was trying to find a way to let him down nicely.

Of course, over the past few days, he had gotten a feeling that Hoseok might like him. He had pushed the thought away, however, not wanting to be so cocky and assume things like that.

However, now it was best for him to just be honest with Hoseok.

"Hoseok, listen, I - "

"Yah!" Taehyung appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, and he grabbed Jimin's hand, tugging him away from Hoseok. "Don't touch my boyfriend."

"Wait, so you are interested in guys?"

Jimin gulped, but nodded.

Hoseok's face was clearly conflicted, disappointment obvious in his eyes, but he smiled nonetheless. "We can still be friends though, right?" 

Jimin was surprised by his mature reaction. "Yeah, okay."

Puppy Love - YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now