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Jimin shuffled awkwardly, holding onto the straps of his backpack to keep his hands busy. Yoongi had a tendency to let his hands swing back and forth between them, and if Jimin brushed against his hand one more time, he might have a heart attack. 

It was almost painful how oblivious Yoongi was to his effect on Jimin. After all, if he knew, he wouldn't tempt Jimin to hold his hand so much, would he? 

Something had been bothering him, though. Yoongi seemed happier and happier as his graduation approached. Was he happy to leave everything that had to do with this school? Because that would include Jimin, who still had another year before he could move on to the next part of his life. 

He couldn't hold it in anymore, so he glanced at Yoongi to make sure he wasn't distracted, before speaking his worries. "Hey, Yoongi? Can I ask you something?"

A noncommittal hum was all that he got out of Yoongi, but he hadn't expected anything else.

"When you go off to university, we'll still talk, right?"

"Of course." Yoongi noticed the waver in Jimin's voice, and he shifted to face him. "Jimin, what did you think? That I'd just disappear?"

"Well, won't you?"

"No Jimin," Yoongi was tempted to confess how attached he had grown to Jimin, but he refused to be sentimental. "I won't just disappear." 

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