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"No, Taehyung, I'm not mad at you for asking Jungkook out in front of the whole school, and stealing the 'cute couple' crown off my head."

"You sound mad."

"Because you're ridiculous. Why don't you go annoy your boyfriend instead?"

"I was called," Jungkook smiled, happily ducking under Taehyung's arm and huddling into his side. 

"Yes Jungkook, I don't know how you can possibly be attracted to this dweeb. He doesn't even know how to date someone."

"What, and you do? Psh, what does Yoongi call you? What do you call him? His idea of a pet name is Holly, Jesus."

"Well, I call him babe, right babe? And he calls me -"

Jimin quickly interrupted, a little flustered. "Okay, I love you, but that's freaky. First Jungkook showed up when we were talking about him, and now you? Do you have superpowers?"

Yoongi just shrugged, grabbing Jimin's hand, walking to the school gates. 

"Let's go, baby boy." 

Jungkook blushed, as Taehyung led him towards his house.

Jimin stood in shock for a moment, not expecting Taehyung to actually call Jungkook a pet name, and baby boy, nonetheless. Maybe he didn't suck at relationships as much as Jimin thought. 

"Come on, babe. We're going to my house today, remember?"

Jimin smiled, turning back to his boyfriend and following him.

"Oh, and my superpower is making you happy." 

"That's pretty specific. Aren't superheros supposed to help everyone in the world?"

"You're my.... Whatever, I'm not a superhero then. I'm just a regular guy."

"No you're not," Jimin grinned at Yoongi, "you're my boyfriend. That's pretty special."

Yoongi smiled widely, pulling Jimin closer, "yes, it definitely is."

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