Chapter One

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I had been dreaming about this since forever. Finally, my parents agreed to let me attend a Black Veil Brides concert. It took quite a lot of time and effort, but I finally had them convinced. This was for real and I couldn't be more excited if I tried.

It was a week away but already I found myself planning everything out, right down to which brand of eyeliner I would wear. I laid out outfit after outfit, mixing and matching, trying to figure out exactly what I would wear. I wanted to look good but I also wanted to be comfortable and there was always the problem of overheating when crowded by so many sweaty teens. My thick leather jacket was definitely out of the question. And probably my jeans too. And definitely anything with something that even closely resembled a heel.

As I was pairing things together, I heard a loud rapping at my bedroom door, knocking me from my little daze. "Violet? Can I come in?" I heard my mother ask through the mahogany door.

"Sure," I answered her, still focused on all the items of clothing on my bed. They all looked so disorganised. So inadequate.

The door's latch unlocked and I heard the hinges squeak as they always did when the door swung open. I really needed to oil them one of these days. Mom shut the door behind her and walked over, taking a seat at the edge of my bed, only narrowly avoiding all my clothing. "What's all this?" she asked, gesturing to all the pairs of jeans, shorts, shirts, jackets and whatever else I had stacked up in piles.

"I'm planning on what to wear to the concert on Saturday. I need something not too hot but is gonna make me look hot. You know what I mean?" I asked her, throwing different shirts around with the same pair of shorts, not quite satisfied. Something was missing.

"For the concert?" she asked in confusion. Of course she had forgotten. She wouldn't be a real mom if she hadn't. Right about now, I knew she'd tell me that I wouldn't be able to go anymore. It wouldn't be the first time.

"Yeah, you know... Black Veil Brides, remember?" I reminded her, hoping the cogs would turn.

"Black Veil what? Why didn't I know about this?" she questioned, getting angry all of a sudden. I sighed heavily. She was such a typical mom.

"You did know, Mom. Here, I'll show you a photo. Maybe it'll jog your memory," I said, bringing out my smartphone and swiping through photos.

"I swear you never told me about this," she huffed in frustration. Again, I sighed. I continued swiping through my camera roll before I found a photo, showing her my screen.

"This is Black Veil Brides. See? That's Jinxx and that's CC and that's Ash and there's Jake and that's-" She snatched my phone out of my hand and stared at the screen intently. "-Andy," I finished half-heartedly. Like I said: typical mom.

"They look like Kiss!" she exclaimed in disgust.

"Well Andy's cut his hair since then and they don't cake their faces white anymore for the most part," I attempted to defend them.

"You can't possibly be going to see them." I simply nodded my response. She looked at me in utter bewilderment as if I was the craziest person she'd ever met. "There's no way I'm letting you watch those weirdos..." She shook her head.

"Well that's too bad because you already did," I told her, showing her my ticket. She took it from my hand, scanning it over.

"There's no way either I or your father allowed this..." she said with disbelief. I could tell she was breaking.

"Better believe it," I told her. "Because you did. Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta use whatever time I have left before school to sort this out." She handed me back my ticket and left me alone in my room, slamming the door shut. She'd probably go to Dad next but I knew he would remember. He always had my back on that sort of thing, even if he didn't agree with it himself. He never went back on his word.

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