Chapter Five

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As the six of us walked through the streets, the sun now far below the horizon, I struggled to see my surroundings clearly. I found myself squinting, trying to grasp the dark silhouettes in front of me. However, the guys seemed to have no problem and walked easily in front of me while I continued to trip over obstacles I couldn't see. Andy noticed this and lay a hand at the small of my back gently, guiding me through the darkness. I couldn't stop myself from jolting at his cool touch.

Those few people who had happened to be out at this time of night eyed us all skeptically, keeping a close watch on me. I understood their concern. Even I was feeling wary as we made our way for the cars. I was glad we hadn't been parked too far away because I couldn't wait to slide onto the sleek leather with Andy at my side.

When we did indeed arrive at the curb side where Andy's sports car was parked behind an ominous-looking black van with dark, tinted windows, I was washed with both relief and apprehension. However, this quickly passed as Andy told me it was their band van. Andy and I stood with our backs to his car while the others stood facing us. Ashley came up to me and engulfed me in a hug. I wrapped my arms around him in turn, feeling the cool cotton shirt he was wearing. When he released me, he said, "Be seeing you, kiddo." He then turned on his heels and unlocked the van's driver door and hopped inside.

CC also gave me a bearhug, rubbing my back comfortingly. He patted my shoulders and backed away a step. "I'm sure this won't be the last we see of you," he told me. The way he said it made it seem as though this was a promise. I highly doubted that.

"See you, CC," I said, waving my hand. A grin spread across his features.

"Please, call me Christian," he said with a flirtatious wink. My cheeks immediately began to burn. He, too hopped inside the black van with Ashley, disappearing completely from view.

Jake and Jinxx were far more standoffish. They didn't say anything but watched me with such intent that it caused me to feel very self-conscious. Their eyes were focused on that stupid rash on my neck which refused to go away. As I rubbed at it gingerly, their eyes flicked to Andy, the corners of their mouths twitching ever so slightly. I felt Andy tense beside me but he didn't say anything.

The pair of them gave a quick nod in my direction before entering the van which drove off almost immediately after they had got in. I turned to Andy with a quizzical expression on my face. He shrugged before ushering me into his car.

After we were both inside, the doors firmly shut, Andy turned to me with an intense expression on his face. I gulped audibly.

"How did you enjoy today, Violet?" he asked in a serious tone. It didn't seem to quite fit the question.

"Um... it was good. Yeah, really good," I told him, nodding vigorously.

"And what did you think of the others?"

"They're cool. Different than what I had imagined but still cool." I didn't understand why he was asking me this, though I didn't question him. I was far too nervous.

"Jake and Jinxx are nice guys, you know," he assured me, obviously understanding their strange behaviour.

"I'm sure they are."

"Honestly, I think they were just hungry. They get like that sometimes," Andy said, chuckling. "Speaking of which, do you wanna go grab a bite? We still have a bit of time before you need to get back and I just realised you haven't eaten since this morning." I hadn't felt all that hungry but now that he was pointing it out, my stomach gave a loud growl. We both laughed and agreed to go get something to eat.

Andy drove us to some fast food joint and my mouth started salivating just at the sight. I all but leapt from the car as soon as we'd parked. He had to hold me back as I rushed for the glass doors.

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