Chapter Six

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Sunday was incredibly dull and soon, I was back at school listening to Alison's many questions about the concert. "Was it good? Are they just as hot in person? Did you get to touch his hand? Was Andy's voice just like it is on the records?" I gave her the answers she craved and it seemed she just couldn't keep still. She was more excited about the whole thing than I had been.

Though I loved talking about it, the more Alison asked, the harder it was to hide the events which took place afterwards. I didn't know how she'd react but I'd rather no one know about it other than myself. If the entire school found out, they'd think of me as some slut who likes screamo bands. No thank you.

I gave her all the details she needed to be satisfied and then we were able to go back to normal, with the odd comment about it here and there. For once, I was glad the others had little to no interest in it all. If I was asked too much, I'd eventually spill.

Mikey, being the way he was, asked a few questions just to be nice and polite. After my short answers, it seemed he was satisfied and there was no more speaking of it. Cam and Lisa had absolutely no interest so they didn't even bother bringing it up. I silently thanked them.

"You know, I heard the strangest thing," Cam suddenly burst out while we were in the middle of eating our lunch. "Apparently that band you were seeing," he nodded in my direction. "were out and about over the weekend. A bunch of people saw them. Even said they saw some girl, too." My blood ran cold at the thought. If someone had recognised, the cat would be out of the bag faster than I'd have time to explain.

"Well you can't expect them to just sit around in their bus all day," Alison pointed out. "Of course they'd go out. Especially in a town like ours where hardly anyone would even recognise them," she explained.

"Makes you wonder why they'd come here in the first place," Mikey pondered aloud. They all nodded in unanimous agreement. I continued to sit quietly, not saying a word on the matter.

"Though them going out with a girl... that doesn't sound quite right," Alison noted. My back became rigid at the mention of it.

"More than a little creepy, don't you think?" Cam said, poking his plastic fork into whatever slop was on today's menu.

"Mega creepy," Lisa agreed, nodding her head furiously. "What was that girl even thinking?! Five guys ask you to hang and you're just like 'sure, why not?' Hell no."

Anger and regret began to flare within me because on one hand, Lisa was right. What was I thinking? It was stupid and could have gone terribly. But on the other, I knew I was safe and nothing was going to happen so what was the problem? It was a rational decision and the fact that, even though they didn't know it was me, they were ultimately insulting me unintentionally. Still, I would just remain silent, that way I wouldn't say anything I was going to regret.

"Where'd you even hear all this, Cam? It's not like you're exactly a fan," Alison asked in curiosity.

"Eh, someone told me. Don't remember who, though." He shrugged. I was glad that whoever it was hadn't recognised me.

The conversation came to an end shortly thereafter and I found myself much more relaxed and able to go about the rest of my day without concern.


Back at home, my phone was cold. Not a single message nor phone call from Andy but what did I expect? He was off performing with the rest of the band, far too busy being a rockstar to bother with me. I must have thought quite highly of myself to have such high hopes. It was a one-time thing and I was never going to see him again. It was that simple.

So the days marched on as they always had. It was as if nothing had changed and I was back in reality, doing what normal high school students did - study and suffer. I wasn't the brightest student but far from the dullest; I was just average. Aimed straight down the middle and that was where I liked to be. Sure, my parents would have been happier to see something other than a B on my report card but it wasn't the worst.

Unlike some, I always had to study for every little test we had since I could hardly scrape by without doing so. My friends would often comment on the odd occasion that I'd bring out one of my books during the middle of lunch, my nose stuck deep between the pages. I didn't much care, at least it gave me something to do. So that's what I did. I buried myself in study just to keep myself distracted.

Today, I skipped lunch to go to the library and study for my upcoming physics test. I didn't much like the idea of getting yet another B- and so studied like mad. I read pages and pages of my textbook, rewriting, reading, rewriting again and so on and so forth. A look through my notes and a couple questions and I felt like it was all just... working. A smile spread across my face as I continued to understand all the concepts and actually get the answers correct.

As I was reading, a hand grasped the top of my textbook and tugged it free of my hands. Frustrated, I looked up to see Mikey looming over me holding my physics book, a stupid grin on his face. "So this is where you've gone, you little nerd." He smirked. I huffed loudly at him, my eyes narrowed.

"Give me my book, Mikey. I've really got to study," I told him desperately.

"You always study," he pointed out. "Take a break. You could use it."

"No way. I'm on a roll," I persisted.

"... Fine. I'll give you your book," I sighed loudly in relief. "if you come out with me today. I reckon you could do with it. Ever since last weekend, you've been running yourself ragged with study," he offered. I didn't say anything for a few moments, pondering the conditions. Maybe it would be nice to go out with him for a day. Sure would be more relaxing than studying, though a lot less productive.

"Alright. I'll hang out with you." A smile immediately broke out on his face.

"Great. It's a date." He dropped the book back in my hands and marched out of the library with a very bouncy stride. I shook my head, finding my place in my textbook and picking up from where I left off.


That afternoon, Mikey was waiting for me at the school gates, an eager grin all too visible, revealing his pearly, white teeth. He waved me over enthusiastically. I chuckled under my breath and walked toward him, through the bustling crowd of students desperate to get home.

"Good last class?" he asked me once I'd reached him. I shrugged.

"Meh. School is school," I answered indifferently.

"Strange reaction from the girl who can't keep her nose out of her textbook," he joked lightheartedly, nudging my shoulder playfully.

"Oh shut up," I said through a smile, barging his shoulder lightly.

The two of us began walking down the street toward the city centre. He had a broad smile on his face the entire time, impossible to hide. He looked sort of... cute. What was I saying? He was my friend, that was all. Nothing else. Absolutely nothing else.

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