Chapter Two

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The days went by in their torturous way, stretching on and on. They seemed so much longer than usual and I was just so desperate for them to pass me by. Classes droned on seemingly endlessly and they were far less interesting than they had been. The universe was clearly punishing me.

There was also my mom who Dad had finally convinced to let me go - though it really shouldn't have been necessary. So at least things were going my way in that respect. However, I knew she was still a bit uncertain about it but at least she wasn't forcing me to stay home. I guess being a "good girl" with good grades really did have its advantages, even if it meant I missed out on the social aspect of life.

Alison constantly talked about the concert and how excited she was for me. She so desperately wished to come but she hadn't the money nor permission. Unlike me, her behaviour sometimes strayed. And by sometimes, I mean a lot of the time. She was intimidating for a reason; it wasn't just a look.

"And you definitely have to take loads of photos! And videos, too!" she was telling me on Wednesday afternoon. "And don't you dare pass up any of the merch, either! Pick me up a shirt?" She flashed me her killer puppy dog eyes.

"Hmmm... we'll see," I told her. "But I'm not making any promises," I added. I could feel my bank account wincing. It was going to take a hard hit, I could already tell.

The others all seemed fairly disinterested with the whole thing. I mean none of them had any interest in the band so what did it matter to them? Still, I found it incredibly strange that while I was practically buzzing with excitement, they all went about their lives like nothing had changed. I suppose if I had been in their shoes, I'd be the same.

Danny mentioned it maybe one or two times very briefly. Just the usual "you excited?" spiel.

"Excited? I'm blimmen' thrilled! I keep pinching my arm because I can't believe this is actually for real!" I exclaimed. "Does that answer your question?"

"Oh yeah," he answered. He didn't say much else on the matter.


As the day neared closer, my excitement could hardly be contained. It was all so real. This was actually happening. My mom watched me buzzing around the house with a smile on my face and Black Veil Brides blasting in my ears. She didn't say anything but by the way she looked at me, I could see I was beginning to gain her approval.

When the day did indeed arrive, she and Dad sat me down, giving me a firm word. "Now you know, no drugs, no alcohol and definitely no boys. Got it?" my dad said sternly. I nodded.

"The usual. Got it."

"Good. Make sure you've got your phone on you at all times and your handbag so you can get there and back. Anything else?" Dad turned to Mom curiously.

"No, I think that's all," she answered. "Just... go and have fun." Mom smiled, be it forced but a smile nonetheless.

Once the two dismissed me, I shot upstairs. I glanced down at the vast amount of clothing spread across my duvet. I threw all my jeans from the pile along with long-sleeved shirts. Suddenly, I noticed that almost my entire wardrobe was black. There was hardly an ounce of colour in my clothing. Just the way I liked it.

In the end, I chose a pair of black ripped denim shorts paired with my one favourite t-shirts which featured a faded black and yellow Batman logo. I loved it to bits. I then pulled on my maroon Doc Martens and tied my hair up messily. I decided to hardly bother with makeup. Just a quick layer of waterproof mascara, eyeliner and deep purple lipstick. Very minimalistic compared to some.

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