Chapter Nine

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Maybe none of it had been real. Maybe I had imagined the whole thing. There was not a single scrap of evidence that could tie Andy to the events that took place at my house. For him to just appear in front of me wasn't possible. For him to have been so fast was something that just couldn't be. None of it had been true. It must've all been some stupid dream. A fictitious manifestation of my own mind. It was the only explanation.


It was a Saturday morning when I rolled out of bed, groggy and tired. I took my daily trip into the bathroom, staring at my reflection in the mirror underneath the crappy fluorescent lighting. My hair was sticking out at odd angles and my skin was a sickly pallor with dark circles surrounding my eyes. I looked an absolute mess.

I gave my face a quick wash, attempting to rid myself of this awful appearance, revitalising myself. Scrubbing away, I felt slightly more alive and by the time I was finished, I looked like a living person. I smiled meekly at myself before making my way downstairs in my pyjamas.

Mom and Dad were sitting around at the dining table as they always did, discussing whatever latest news they had heard. When they saw me, their faces rose and their eyes brightened. "Good morning, Violet!" my mother greeted. "How are you this morning?"

"Fine..." It was quite uncharacteristic of her to even be awake at this hour, let alone being so cheery and even acknowledging my existence.

"I'm glad to hear it. Now, may I ask you something?" I eyed her skeptically. I didn't like where this was going.

"Sure?" I shrugged.

"When is that Andy boy coming around next?" My blood suddenly ran cold. She couldn't possibly have been asking what I thought she was asking. He had never been here, surely.

"Andy?" I repeated in astonishment.

"Yes, Andy. That kind boy that was here last night. When are you seeing him next?" I stared at her dumbly, unable to speak. I blinked three times at her like a deer caught in a car's headlights.

"Uhhhh..." She continued to look at me expectantly and Dad was doing the same. "I... I don't think I will," I told them honestly and their faces immediately fell.

"But he's so nice!" Mom gushed.

"He made quite the impression," Dad added.

"He's... very busy. Too busy to come here, that's for sure." They didn't seem convinced.

"Well I don't think that's quite right," Dad responded. "He made time last night."

"That was a one-time thing," I told him exasperatedly.

"I doubt that. Why don't you give him a call? We'd love to see him again." This was incredibly uncharacteristic of my dad. He would never have said that if it were anyone else - even Mikey.

"Ummm..." I didn't know what to say to them. I couldn't exactly refuse them, they were far too eager to argue with. "I'll call him a little later." They both nodded and resumed whatever conversation they had previously had.

I walked into the kitchen and made myself some quick breakfast before hauling myself upstairs to get changed and make myself a little more palatable to the eye. It took maybe half an hour before I looked socially acceptable. I stared at my phone on my bedside table reluctantly. I didn't much want to do this. At the end of the day, he was a rockstar and I was just some teenage girl. Completely insignificant.

However, I still managed to convince myself to take the phone in my hand and dial his number, holding the screen to my ear. He didn't pick up right away. It ringed many times and I thought it would go to voicemail but soon, I heard his voice on the other end.

Andy, My Little BloodsuckerWhere stories live. Discover now