Chapter Four

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Back in Andy's car, we were speeding through the streets in broad daylight. It felt so much different than it had during the night. Like this, it seemed like everybody could see us through the tinted windows just as I could see them.

Absent-mindedly, I started to rub at the rash on my neck, scratching it lightly. Andy looked over to me with a quizzical look on his face. "Are you alright?" he asked in a very concerned manner. I turned toward him, dropping my hand.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I just have this weird rash thing," I explained. "I have no idea how it got there. I must've had an allergic reaction to something." At this, Andy's eyes widened ever so slightly before he turned to look back at the road.

"I'm... sorry to hear that. I'm sure it will go away after some time passes," he said indifferently. His voice had changed noticeably from that of concern to disinterest. I sighed, looking out the window at the faces that passed us by.

After a few minutes of silence, I finally shattered it. "Where are we going?" I asked, still staring out the window. It seemed we had been driving for quite some time, now.

"Just a little further," he told me vaguely.

Just as he said, it wasn't much later that Andy finally pulled the car up on the curb side where the other four band members stood signing autographs for cheering fans. When they saw us, relief washed over their faces.

They shoved past their fans toward us as we exited the car. As soon as their fans caught sight of Andy, they tore over in a craze, tearing at his clothing. Those girls were violent. "Easy girls," Andy chuckled. "You'll get your autographs. Just... give me a bit of space?" Some of them acknowledged his request and stepped back a few feet but others were too blinded by him. I didn't entirely blame them.

Those who still stood too close were either pushed away by Andy effortlessly or by the other band members who seemed just as able. They stared at us, awestruck. The girls noticed the close proximity between Andy and I and shot daggers at me, clearly feeling hard done by. Screaming at the lot of us, the fans were still restless. Andy silenced them with a mere wave of his hands, saying in a booming voice, "Girls! Please, leave us be, won't you? We've important business to attend to and cannot do so with you interrupting us." However their expressions were stubborn, their actions betrayed them as they spun on their heels in unison, marching off in one big pack. I stared up at Andy in amazement but didn't say a word.

With that, he put a hand on my back and led me over to the rest of the band members. Without the warpaint and costumes, they looked so... normal. CC smiled broadly, engulfing me in a bear hug. His arms were just as cold as Andy's.

"So you're the girl we've been hearing so much about?" he asked, having released me. I didn't exactly know how to respond. To think Andy had been talking about me was unreal, to say the least.

"Ummm... I guess so?" I shrugged. CC's face broke out in a broad, toothy grin.

"Of course you are! You're just like he described. Absolutely beautiful, gorgeous eyes and definitely unlike any of our other fans. It's quite reassuring, actually," he told me. Beautiful? Gorgeous eyes? That couldn't have been right. He must have confused me with someone else for I did not possess these qualities.

"I don't think that's quite right," I admitted. "I'm about as normal as they come."

"And modest, too! I can tell we're going to get along very well," CC said, patting my shoulder. I felt heat rising in my cheeks. Andy looked at me, giving me a shy smile. I didn't know what to say.

"I agree with Christian," Ashley spoke up. "I reckon we're all gonna get on like a house on fire." This had butterflies swirling around my stomach as he complimented me so blatantly. Jake and Jinxx remained quiet, whispering among themselves. I saw Andy shoot them a glare.

"Anyways," Andy said, dusting his hands together for emphasis. "I think we ought to get off this footpath and actually go do something. Sound like a plan?" They all nodded unanimously.

The six of us all ambled down the sidewalk, walking in pairs as not to block the way too much. Ashley and CC led the way, followed by Jinxx and Jake, and then finally Andy and I. I was sure that from someone else's perspective, we would have been quite the sight. What with a teenage girl walking with five other guys who were quite clearly older than her, I wouldn't have thought it normal, either.

We came to a medium-sized park decorated in well-watered grass with a small garden surrounding the outskirts in blooming flowers. I thought this a curious place for us to come. For some reason, when Andy had said we would do something, this was not what I had anticipated. Quite simply, I thought it would be far... grander.

As the mob we were, we walked to the centre of the grassy field and collapsed onto the ground. I couldn't help but notice the way Jinxx was eying me. It was more than a little unsettling, to say the least. His eyes flicked to the rash on my neck and remained there for quite some time. I found myself rubbing at it. self-consciously.

Looking over at Ash, I saw he was laughing at something. I rose an eyebrow in curiosity but didn't say anything. "What's so funny, man?" Jake asked him. I saw he, too, was chuckling but I thought he was just reacting to Ash's sudden outburst.

"Nothing really," Ashley said, still giggling like a child. "I just think she has a great taste in music," he answered, pointing at my shirt. I looked down to see the skull with wings with Avenged Sevenfold written beneath. I felt the blush developing on my cheeks.

"Erm... thanks," I told him shyly. Ashley waved me off.

"I gotta say though," he began. "it sorta feels like you're cheating on us." Trust me, I know. I looked down at the sea of green below me, plucking at the blades of grass.

"They're just joking with you," Andy assured me, nudging my arm playfully. I looked up at him and gave a meek smile. I suddenly noticed something hanging from his neck, though only the beaded chain was visible. I looked at it for a few moments before dragging my gaze away. "You guys got any good stories?" Andy asked the other band members.

"I think we can fill the quota," CC answered with a playful smile on his face.

So we spent the day sitting on the grass, the guys all telling me the hilarious encounters they'd had while in the band. There were multiple that featured Ashley doing quite embarrassing things, though I couldn't imagine it to be possible to Ashley to do anything less than flawless. At the end of the day, I suppose he was only human as we all were.

I didn't know how much time had passed but the sun was nearing the horizon when we finally stood from our spots. They all seemed suddenly more comfortable, smiles spreading on their faces. "It's always nice to get out of the sun, isn't it?" Jinxx commented, staring up at the quickly darkening sky.

"Oh hell yeah," Jake agreed, sighing. I looked between them all, somewhat confused. Andy's gaze made its way to me, I could see the whites of his eyes all around for a second before they relaxed.

"Don't you like the night, Violet?" he asked me in a quiet voice. I shrugged indifferently.

"I guess. It can be kinda scary though, don't you think?" I told him honestly.

"I understand. Just know, with us, you've nothing to fear," he assured me. I nodded, I had no words to say. He touched my hand for half a moment with that icy cold hand of his, trying to be comforting, but in reality, it made me feel even more unnerved. I know I should've been jumping for joy at the gesture but I couldn't bring myself to it. Something seemed off. Like really off.

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