Chapter Ten

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"This is your idea of a perfect day, huh? Awfully... creepy, don't you think?" I asked him, staring into this cold, dark abyss of a cave which bordered onto the beach. The crashing of waves could be heard echoing within the stone walls and the sound of water dripping from stalactites gave calm, quiet rhythm to the place.

"Well, like I said, I'm a bit of a night owl. And in here, it's always night," he pointed out,

"Do you bring every girl here?" Suddenly, my common sense was nagging at me, telling me to get the hell away. If this was anything like the movies, I'd surely end up as a mere corpse at the end of this tunnel, waiting for the tide to roll in and take me out to sea. Andy laughed heartily at my question, clearly amused.

"Of course not. This place... has a sort of special place in my heart." In my head, I was swooning like any teenage girl would but on the outside, I was standoffish and suspicious. This all didn't seem right. "You wish to go someplace else?" he asked, noticing my hesitance. However, despite the rational side of my brain screaming yes yes yes! my less-rational, stronger side didn't want to seem cowardly or lame compared to him.

"No no, it's fine. I just... hadn't expected it. I mean, you were only in town for the concert, right? So how the heck did you find this place, anyway? I've lived here my whole life and never happened upon it," I told him, genuinely curious.

"That's because you're looking with your eyes." He said it as if it were obvious, like duh!

"Care to elaborate?" But he just shrugged, apparently seeing no need. "Why're you still in town, anyway? Don't you have a tour to be continuing?" I inquired, thinking of all the locations I had seen posted on their website following this one.

"Something came up. We had to cancel the rest of the tour, unfortunately. So we decided, why not stick around a little longer?" I pondered the idea, not sure if I believed it.

"What could possibly have happened that you had to cancel an entire tour? Is everyone alright?"

"Everyone's fine," he assured me. "Don't worry about it. Now, care to follow me?" He offered me his hand. The hand that I knew would be icy cold if I took it. With slight reluctance, I took it and allowed him to lead me through the darkness, trusting that he wouldn't stab me in the back and leave me for dead. I really was the definition of naïve.

Beneath my feet, the soft, dry sand sifted beneath my converse and above me, the odd drop of water would fall upon my head, leaving me with a cold, damp splotch in my hair. With such ease, Andy was able to navigate the cavern dark as pitch without any sort of trouble and I was curious as to how. If it had been me, I'd have my arms out in front of me, stumbling like an idiot trying to make my way through before likely chickening out and running back for the beach.

"So this place is special to you, huh?" I asked him, wondering how he'd found someplace so valuable to him in such a short span of time.

"We used to visit this town for the summer when I was younger - my family and I. I used to hide away in this cave and craft my own tales as young boys do," he explained. "I know every nook and cranny in it by now." He stopped, causing me to topple into him out of not expecting it. "You alright?" I could hear him smiling out of amusement.

"I'm fine," I told him, quickly righting myself, squinting in the darkness, attempting to make out his features or at least a silhouette. However, all that could be seen was black.

I heard him rifling through his pocket before pulling something out before the sound of him flicking a lighter was audible. I saw the small, bright sparks as he flicked it over and over before a flickering flame was formed, allowing me to see his face and the rocky wall behind him. In the warm, golden glow, he looked absolutely stunning. Even better than in all the magazines, TV interviews and live converts. He looked... perfect.

Andy, My Little BloodsuckerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin