Chapter Twelve

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Three days had passed since I last saw Andy, and, in that time, I had yet to learn anything about the strange breakout on my neck. I couldn't help but notice the skin around the area was paling with each passing day. Touching my fingers to it, the skin was sensitive and irritable. I'd browsed countless webpages trying to find some sort of answer but all I received were reports of allergic reactions and the like. Unless I was allergic to attractive rock stars, there was no answer to this riddle forming in my head.

Of course, I hadn't seen a doctor about it. For some reason, it just seemed like a rather arbitrary cause to seek medical attention. There was always the idea that I could ask the man himself, but I figured he would just laugh and tell me I was being ridiculous.

Though I tried to focus during school hours, my mind was constantly wandering toward Andy and his odd behaviour. There was definitely something he wasn't telling me and something I intended to uncover if it was the last thing I did.

"Hey, Vi. You okay?" Allison asked me while I was off somewhere else, thinking of Andy. Snapping back to reality, I looked over at her, unable to ignore the concern written across her face.

"Huh? Oh yeah, yeah, I'm good. Just... tired, ya know?" I told her, though it was clear this wasn't enough to satisfy her.

"You've been totally out of it lately, you know. What's been going on?" Looking down, my hand absentmindedly reaching my nape, I laughed nervously, trying to think up an excuse on the spot.

"I've just been studying a lot lately," I lied through my teeth. "Got those tests coming up, remember? I've just had a few late nights and I guess they're getting to me." Though my voice showed admittance, nothing but falsehoods left my mouth.

"Oh, yeah. Of course. I probably should've been working on those too," she replied, agreeing with me.

"Hey, why don't we all get together this afternoon to study?" Mikey piped up from across the table, obviously listening in to our conversation. "Math is actually kicking my ass right now," he admitted shamefully.

"That sounds awesome!" Lisa agreed, her face lighting up like the sun. "I could, like, totally do with some practice. How about right after fifth, in the library?" she suggested.

"Works for me," Mikey agreed. Allison nodded her answer, also. Even Cam seemed sold on the idea. Now, everyone turned toward me expectantly, waiting for me to say 'yes'.

"Uhh... well, you see..." I trailed off, wracking my brain for an answer. "You guys know my parents. They'd flip if I didn't come home on time," I told them, surprisingly without the need to lie. "Hell, last time I was out with Mikey, my mom had a go at me." Immediately, their brows all furrowed in unison, disappointed but likely not surprised.

"Why don't you just give them a text?" Allison suggested. "Surely that would be enough, right?" She looked toward the others who each nodded encouragingly.

"C'mon Violet, just give it a shot," Cam suggested. "What's the worst that could happen?"

Looking between them all, I knew I couldn't let them down. Conceding, I pulled out my phone to text my mom when I saw a new message from Andy. Hastily, I hid the notification, praying no one had seen before sending a message to my mother. I doubted I'd receive the answer they all hoped for but at least they would be placated for the time being, I thought.

"See? Was that so hard?" Lisa asked, flicking her eyelashes as she always did. Smiling meekly, I shook my head.

"Now we just have to wait for the response," Allison told us all, crossing her fingers, resulting in everyone else doing the same.

When my phone buzzed just a few moments later, I breathed a sigh of relief, expecting to see she had told me strongly that it would be forbidden. However, much to my surprise, it read:

Mom: Yes, Violet, that's alright. Just be back by 6. See you at home.

Blinking three times, I read the message again just to make sure I had read it correctly. "What the...?" I murmured to myself.

"What is it?" Allison asked before snatching away my phone, reading the message for herself. Immediately, her face brightened with excitement.

"Hey guys, she said yes!" she exclaimed. All of a sudden, the entire table was cheering. I couldn't help my embarrassment. Now there was no excuse.


Fifth period ended quickly and soon, I found myself in the library with my friends who already had their books open, exchanging information and answers. Quietly, I took my place between Allison and Mikey, pulling out my own books.

Going through all this information, I couldn't help but let my mind wander back toward that mysterious musician with the pale face. I needed to find answers and where better to do that than in a library?

While the rest were busying themselves with classwork, I scoured the shelves for something of interest that might lead me in the right direction. From the numerous volumes, I took medical books as well as a few mythology reads, just to keep my mind open. On the far end of the library, I found myself an empty desk and laid everything out in front of me before fetching a sheet of paper and a pen, beginning my studies.

On my page, I wrote down every bizarre detail about Andy that I could think of and compared them with the books I had fetched. From his icy touch all the way to the rash on my neck, I wrote it all down in a comprehensive list, trying to piece it all together.

However, the medical books didn't seem to have the answers I was quite looking for. Each symptom led to a different diagnosis that was just too difficult to believe.

I remembered those eyes I had seen in the alleyway when I had been with Mikey – those pools of congealed blood that watched my every move. Never had I witnessed such a sight – not until he entered my life.

Scribbling furiously, I wracked my brain for a logical explanation, attempting to make sense of all the bizarre happenings. While each piece of evidence seemed random, there also appeared to be a connection. I remembered Andy's morbid tale of a sickly boy living during the time of the bubonic plague. He had described a woman with fair skin and red hair and how he tricked the poor kid. However, what he also had described was how she had cursed him with vampirism, a fictitious affliction known only in storybooks and films.

Though at the time I had believed it to be a fallacy, I couldn't ignore just how real he had described it. Every emotion the boy had experienced, so too had Andy and that was conveyed rather clearly in his storytelling.

Flicking through the mythology books, I found the pages I was looking for and began comparing each and every detail. They were just too similar. It couldn't be.

Suddenly, I sat bolt upright and stared out into the space before me. From my fingers, my pen slipped and hit the ground with a light thud. I had the answers I was seeking. From my seat, I stood, knocking my chair to the floor, drawing attention from the old librarian who was quick to request my silence. Pacing back and forth, I attempted to explain it all away rationally but it was no use; there was no other explanation.

I tried to recall every meeting we'd had, always picking out the odd behaviours he had displayed. It would explain his reluctance to eat while we were out getting fast food. It certainly explained his cold touch and pale skin. However, most of all, it finally told me where the rash on my neck had come from and exactly what it was.

I was bitten by a vampire.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2019 ⏰

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